作文体裁:Celebrating the New Year
时间:2024-12-28 08:47:22
【导读】On January 1st, the beginning of a new year, as far back in history as we can tell, people…本文《Celebrating the New Year 》由小学生作文大全整理,仅供参考。
On January 1st, the beginning of a new year, as far back in history as we can tell, people have celebrated the start of a new year.
For those who have been busy at work or school, New Year's may be a day of rest. They spend the time thinking about, and preparing for, the demands of the New Year.
Americans is my favourite country.But in Americans is so different form China.
Americans celebrate the New Year in many ways. Most do not have to go to school or work. So they attend church services,visit family and friends , share a holiday meal or watch new year's parades on television.
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