作文体裁:小学英语作文 My Dog(我的小狗)
时间:2025-01-15 06:26:10
【导读】I have a dog. Shes very pretty and cute. She is only one year old. Her name is Lily. Lily …本文《小学英语作文 My Dog(我的小狗)》由小学生作文大全整理,仅供参考。
I have a dog. She’s very pretty and cute. She is only one year old. Her name is Lily.
Lily is very active and friendly. She likes to play in the park and make friends with other dogs. Look, she is very happy today, because she can go to the park and play with others dogs.
She see a blank dog on the way. She goes there and standing near him. Because he is very cool! Then they play together.
The sky turn dark. The moon comes out. The stars are shining. It’s very late. She has to go home. What a naughty dog. But I love my dog very much.
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