we are what we read_英语文章
Books are the ladder of human progress,reading helps you become a person who is connotative,and you won't white。I encourage all of you to broaden your horizons by reading,with the expansion of the reading range,you will own an extensive mind and ambitious。Besides,you not only firm your belief,but meet many friends cherish the same ideals and follow the same path,and you can engage in intellectual conversations,Isn't it enjoyable?which is not a great benifit?what's more,reading brings you up too,It makes you more outstanding。
No doubt that reading is th新课标高考e best way to hold your own,you know,the meaning of life is how to use every minute,or how to make good use of time,the relationship between you and time is what you are forming,there is打雪仗的作文 an old saying:"reading a good bo好家风征文ok 未来的书包and talk like philosophers ",
As far as l am concerned,books are the tools for the soul to be, It is said that the most interesting thing in the world has two,one is people,another is book,because books can make a man seize the core of the world's secret,from whipple's viewpoint,books are a guide to the vast sea of humanity,so there is no question of we are what we read,believe it or not,reading can clean the mind,consequently,l call on every one of you to read in order to rich spiritual world,are you still hesitate?are you still confused? if so,come and let's read it together,we want to believe tomorrow will have a wonderful tomorrow,because of reading,your world will be full of sunshine,you will own a differe警言警句nt look,therefore,it is not over to say we are what we read。