
时间:2024-12-27 02:29:48 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

摘要: 剑桥雅思10小作文范文Test1。以下为大家搜集了剑桥雅思10小作文范文Test1的相关内容,同学们可在复习雅思写作部分时,适当参考这些剑桥雅思小作文范文。

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The bar chart shows the percentage of services arriving on time from 1999 to 2003. From the chart, one pattern shows that the actual percentage exceeded target percentage only in 2003, and the highest actual percentage occurred 1999 and lowest occurred 2000. In 5 years the tendency of target percentage was decreasing while the actual percentage fluctuated.

According to the first chart, the year 2000 had about 3.7% difference between actual and target which is the highest disparity, and the year 2003 had the lowest gap of about 0.4% the actual over target. From the second chart we can see that there were 40 thousand more complaints between the year with the highest number of complaints and year with the lowest number complaints. But if we consider the connection between both charts, in the year 1999 we had the lowest complaints in the bar and highest in 2003, which was dramatically strange since the year 2003 had the most complaints but it was the only year the actual percentage surpassed the target percentage.

以上就是 三立 在线雅思资料小编为大家整理的“剑桥雅思10小作文范文Test1”部分内容,同学们可抽时间进行查看,对同学们复习 雅思写作 部分有很大的帮助,更多资料请关注雅思写作资料下载频道!





相关字搜索: 剑桥雅思10小作文范文 雅思10小作文范文
热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词