
时间:2024-09-22 09:47:05 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

成人高考是不少在职人员选择提升自己的最佳选择,在提升自己的同时还能获得相关学历证书。当然毫无疑问的是,他们中也有一部分人是首次接触成人高考,也会有一些关于成人高考的疑问,如成人高考英语作文怎么写?下面时间,小编就为大家分享2019年,希望对大家有所帮助。2019年2019年Dear Sir,I write in response to your invitation to students to propose ways for improvement of our library.Library is essential to us students as well as to the teachers, and our university is providing a very good service. But I would suggest that there is still some room for our library to improve its service.For example, our university library may consider subscribing to more foreign publications, with which we may keep pace with the latest development in various disciplines and broaden our view of the world. Also there are usually long lines waiting for assistance in our library. It is time for our library to open more windows and lengthen the service hours. In addition, if you could supply more computers in the library, the research needs of both the students and the teachers will more be satisfied.We will be much grateful if you consider my suggestions.参考译文:亲爱的先生,我写在你的邀请给学生提出的方法提高我们的图书馆。图书馆是至关重要的对我们学生以及老师,和我们的大学是提供一个很好的服务。但是我建议仍然有一些空间,让我们的图书馆改善服务。例如,我们的大学图书馆可以考虑订阅更多的外国出版物,我们可能跟上各种学科的最新发展和扩大我们的世界观。也通常有排长队等待援助我们的图书馆。是时候让我们的图书馆开放更多的窗户和延长服务时间。此外,如果你能提供更多的电脑在图书馆,学生和教师的研究需要更多的会满意。我们将感激不尽如果你考虑我的建议。
热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词