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原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:masamaso 转载请注明出处A Norfolk school thatadvised teachers to provide buckets for pupils to vomit in during lessons hasbacktracked, telling parents that “genuinely unwell” children will receive propertreatment.某诺福克学校建议老师向在课堂上呕吐的学生提供桶子,并告诉家长那些“真正不适”的孩子将会接受正规的治疗。The bucket guidance surfaced in a documentgiven to teachers at the start of the year at Great Yarmouth Charter academy,after the struggling school was taken over by the Norwich-based InspirationTrust.在诺维奇灵感信托基金机构接管了这所运营艰难的学校后,给新任职于大雅茅斯特许学校的老师们发放了一份关于使用呕吐桶机制的文件。The EasternDaily News reported that the document distributed by Barry Smith, theschool’s new headteacher, listed a series of rules and practices that teachersand pupils were to follow – including the suggestion that pupils be offered abucket if they said they felt ill in class.东方日报报道称,该文件由该校新任职的校长Barry Smith(巴瑞·史密斯)发布,列出了老师和学生们需要遵循的一系列规定,其中包括对在课堂上感到不适的学生提供呕吐桶的提议。“We all know children say things like thatto get out of work. You never pretend to be ill to get out of work because weexpect you to work through it. If you feel sick we will give you a bucket. Ifyou vomit – no problem! You’ve got your bucket. That’s probably all your bodywanted – to vomit. If you are really ill we will make sure you get all theattention you need,” the document said.文件指出,“我们都晓得孩子们说这些话只是为了逃避上课。我们不喜欢学生通过装病而逃课,是因为我们希望学生能够克服并完成每天的学习。如果你觉得不舒服,我们会给你提供一个桶。如果你想吐——没问题!你可以吐在你的桶里。反正你现在最想做的就是——呕吐。如果你真的不舒服,我们会确保你得到所需的治疗。”Inspiration Trust said the inductiondocument was only meant to be circulated to staff internally, and the schoolissued a clarified behaviour guide for pupils and parents this week.灵感信托基金表示这份文件只发放给内部工作人员,本周学校将会对学生和家长们进行行为指南说明。Under “sickness and absence” the revisedrules state: “Pupils may sometimes pretend to be ill to avoid classes they donot like, and teachers will make a judgment call as to whether a pupil isgenuinely unwell.修改后的“病假和缺勤”条例规定:“学生有时会装病不去上自己讨厌的课程,对此老师需要判断和确认学生是否真的不适。”“Where a pupil is genuinely unwell theschool will make arrangements for their care, and will contact parents ifappropriate.”“针对身体不适的学生,学校将会安排人员照顾,并将酌情与家长联络。”The revised rules also soften otherpunitive measures contained in the earlier document, including a threat toconfiscate any mobile phones seen during school hours.修改后的规定在一定程度上放宽了早期的某些惩罚措施规定,包括在校期间禁用手机,如有违反没收手机的规定。They include advice to pupils to be in bedby 9.30pm on school nights, after they have checked the contents of theirpencil cases “to make sure you have three black pens that work, two sharppencils and a 30cm ruler. You don’t need anything else in your pencil case”.该文件还包含以下规定,在检查完学生的铅笔盒内除了“3根能用的黑色水笔,2根削好的铅笔和1把30厘米的尺子外并无其他物品”后,学生须在9:30pm就寝。In a letterto parents this week, Smith described “a great deal of rumour and speculationon social media” over the new rules, and offered to hold a parents’ meeting atthe school on Thursday.在本周给家长的一封信中,史密斯校长指出“对新规定的内容社交媒体有许多谣传和推测”,对此本周四学校将会举行一场家长会议。Formerly known as Great Yarmouth highschool, the school was taken over and renamed by Inspiration Trust in Augustafter several years of poor exam results and being rated as inadequate byOfsted.大雅茅斯中学因连续几年考试成绩不佳被英国教育标准局评为“不合格”,其后于8月被灵感信托基金机构接管并更改校名。Ofsted inspectors visiting the school foundthat many lessons were disrupted by misbehaviour.英国教育标准局的审查员在该校发现某些不当行为扰乱了很多课堂秩序。“Pupils told inspectors that all of theirlessons in some subjects are disrupted by the behaviour of a small number ofpupils. In lessons, inspectors observed pupils openly defying teachers,answering back, refusing to work and leaving classrooms when they chose to.Pupils told inspectors that this was typical,” the report stated.“学生告诉审查员,有些科目他们每节课都因少数学生的行为而受到干扰。在课上,审查员发现有些学生公然反抗老师、顶嘴、不上课甚至随意离开教室。学生们说这种情况经常发生已经见怪不怪了。”A follow up visit by inspectiors late lastyear found that “the school’s culture of behaviour and promotion of a safeenvironment for pupils remains inadequate”.去年审查员的跟进访问发现,“该校在行为文化环境和促进安全校园的方面上毫无改进。”Critics say they unfairly penalise pupilsfor minor deviations.评论家认为该校因小偏差而区别对待学生是不公平的。Inspiration Trust said the initial responsefrom parents and pupils to the new rules had been positive.灵感信托基金机构表示,学生和家长对新规定的初步回应良好。
热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词