时间:2025-01-13 20:05:37
2016-10-02 回答
2016考研英语图画作文的三段式写法 2016考研已经进入倒计时了,还有很多考研小伙伴还在选作文模板、背模版,不管怎样,作文一定要考试背诵和记忆了。这个阶段利用好时间和模版的话,确实可以给2016考研英语分数添砖加瓦的。下面文都教育郭老师给大家准备了三个模板,希望大家重视起来,选择自己适合的,背下来,并在练习中灵活运用。 模板采用三段式: 第一段:描述图画, 第二段:解释寓意, 第三段:解决方案或我的观点。 第一段:描述图画 描述图画时,应将图画看成动态而非静态,从下面四个方面: 1. 中心事物在做什么; 2. 另一个事物在做什么; 3. 图画的矛盾点或对比点是什么; 4. 评价图画,引出图画的论点是什么。 第一段可以这样写: in the picture above, we can see sb1 doing sth1, doing sth2, doing sth3. meanwhile, sb2 is doing sth4, doing sth5, doing sth6, doing sth7. what impresses me most is that what a thought-provoking picture it is! 第二段:解释寓意 第二段首句应迅速、明确地指出图画中蕴含的立意,之后分别结合图画并联系生活实际对其立意进行深刻挖掘与分析。注意以下三点: 1. 点出立意; 2. 结合图画简要分析; 3. 联系实际深刻挖掘。 第二段可以这样写: from my perspective, what the author want to convey is simple but of great wisdom.. in the picture, sb would rather do sth1 than do sth2. the reason is simple: . however, if he could do sth2, it would be easier for him to enjoy his life/achieve his goal. 第三段:解决方案或我的观点 第三段起总结作用,而最好的总结莫过于给出具体的行动建议和呼吁。注意以下两点: 1. 行动建议; 2. 总结呼吁。 第三段可以这样写: from this picture, i learn that we modern individuals are supposed to sth1 instead of doing sth2. only in this way can we enjoy our life/achieve our success/avoid the similar mistakes just as the man/boy/horse in the picture. 完整范文如下: in the above drawing appears . ____. how ironic/thought-provoking it is!on/under the drawing there are some eye-catching words reading: ____. this drawing expresses deep concern about ____. nowadays, people enjoy an increasingly convenient/comfortable life brought by ____. naturally, with living standards improving, people are in an increasing need for ____ to maintain their modern lifestyle. for example, people need ____. however, because of limited amount of ____, their increasing demand can not be satisfied. therefore, ____ has finally emerged and,more annoyingly, consequent problems are becoming more and more serious. if no effective remedy were introduced, ____ would ____. efforts should be taken to avoid such a disastrous/unfortunate effect.firstly, ____. in addition, ____. few things are impossible to diligence. by actively employing these methods, we can ensure a bright prospect. 注意第二段中出现的系列逻辑词语: ... naturally, ... for example, ...however, ... therefore, ... more annoyingly, ... if ... 上面的写作指导希望能够引起大家的注意,把握图画作文的写作方法,争取在2016考研英语考试当中一举得胜,攻克考研作文的难关。文都教育在冲刺阶段鼓励大家再接再厉、勇往直前。 【2016年考研政治点睛班】万磊 在12月20日9:00—12:00,14:00—17:00行考前三小时模考,三小时预测。秒杀16考研政治马原、毛中特、史纲、时政考点。稳稳提分,你距离名校只差这六小时! https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm= 登录天猫,进入文都网校旗舰店,搜索课程“2016考研政治点睛班 万磊直播课 文都网校视频课程预测六套卷解析” 【2016年考研政治点睛班】蒋中挺 在12月22日9:00—12:00,14:00—17:00进行考前三小时模考,三小时预测。以热点捕捉考点,分分钟绝杀考研政治毛中特、思修、行策!正在火热报名中,名额有限,抓紧时间! https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm= 登录天猫,进入文都网校旗舰店,搜索课程“2016考研政治点睛班 文都网校蒋中挺考研预测模考网络视频直播课” 更多精彩内容,欢迎进入文都网校考研 http://wenduedu.com/kaoyan/ (打开链接或复制地址到浏览器打开)
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