
时间:2024-12-29 01:22:22 来源:作文网 作者:管理员


Her burst of exuberance and her brightness overwhelmed me. 她勃发的热情和阳光的性格征服了我。 柯林斯例句

He was seized with a sudden idea to do sth. 他突然勃发做某事的念头. 辞典例句

The quiet bearing of one who brimmed with an inner activity characterized Elizabeth - Jane at this period. 在这个时期,伊丽莎白 ― 杰恩现出一种特点,从她安祥的外表里勃发出内在的活力. 辞典例句

I am the lover of uncontained and immortal beauty. 我对充盈勃发、无声无息的美顶礼膜拜. 互联网

They lean on the world and by their in tensity and virtue. 生命短暂即不圆满,此种观点荒谬无理,生命的价值在其影响,在其勃发,在其立德于世. 互联网

This explains the poetic productivity characteristic of the first phases of psychoses. 精神紊乱初期的诗兴勃发由此得到了解释. 互联网

I wish you enough happiness your spirit alive. 愿你享有足够的幸福,让精神勃发抖擞. 互联网

The continents shifted , mountains arose. 大洲升起, 山岭勃发. 互联网

A beautiful New Year poem is a carrier of the poet's emotion and has great vitality. 优秀的贺岁诗显示出勃发的生命力,渗透了诗人的性情,是诗人情感的载体. 互联网

His genius as a painter do not flower until after he retired and become blind. 他绘画的天才直到他退休和失明之后才勃发出来. 互联网

Spring, break out, affecting all things, rain, chic, softened soil, warm, touching, green germination. 春, 勃发, 牵动万物, 雨, 潇洒, 酥软泥土, 暖, 抚摸, 绿意萌发. 互联网
热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词