时间:2025-01-14 12:21:04
您的位置: 首页 -> 句库 -> 《去年的树》 1. The Fairy Tale of a Bird and a Tree--Multilevel Interpretations of Niimi Nankichi s The Tree of Last Year; 一只鸟和一棵树的童话——新美南吉 《去年的树》 多层解读 2. The pear tree in the yard bore a great many pears last year. 院子里的梨树去年结了很多梨子。 3. As the years went on the young plant in our court grew into a tall shady tree. 一年年过去,院子里的树苗长成了一株绿荫如盖的大树。 4. These fruit trees yielded poorly last year. 去年这些果树产量很低。 5. The memorial to those who had died in the war unveiled in 1948. 为战争中死去的人树的纪念碑是在1948年揭幕的。 6. They engrafted the shoot of a pear tree into an apple tree last spring 去年春天他们将梨树的嫩枝嫁接在一棵苹果树上。 7. Thousands of tree is planted on the bleak hillside last year 去年在荒凉的山坡上种了数以千计的树 8. Thousands of trees were planted on the bleak hillside last year. 去年在荒凉的山坡上种了数以千计的树。 9. The technique of growing fruits has undergone a marked change during the past sixty years. 在过去六十年中,果树生产技术起了显著的变化。 10. Our apple tress set well last year even there was a water shortage. 尽管缺水,我们的苹果树去年还是结了不少果实。 11. Those old apple trees that were cut down last winter will give us wood for the fires most of this winter. 那些去年冬天砍到的老苹果树差不多够今年冬天烧火用的了。 12. Deciduous trees: Hardwood trees which shed their leaves. 落苣树:年落苣的硬木树。 13. When after many years death overtook them they were changed into two trees, that grew side by side in the neighbourhood--an oak and a linden. 许多年后,老夫妇去世了,变成了两棵并排生长的树——一棵栎树,一棵椴树。 14. It offered her the partridge-berries, the growth of the preceding autumn, but ripening only in the spring, and now red as drops of blood upon the withered leaves. 向她提供了红树浆果,那是去年秋天长出,今年春天才成熟的,此时红得像珠珠血滴,树在枯叶上。 15. Until last year, I thought I was the only one aware of this tree. 直到去年为止,我还以为就我一个人意识到这棵树的存在。 16. The Maximum Temperature of May-July Inferred from Tree-ring in Funiu Mountain since 1874 AD 油松树轮记录的过去134年伏牛山5-7月平均最高温度 17. the stakes which I had cut out of some trees that grew thereabouts, were all shot out and grown with long branches, as much as a willow-tree usually shoots the first year after lopping its head. 从附近砍下来的那些树桩都发了芽,并长出了长长的枝条,仿佛是去年被修剪过的柳树一样。 18. To remove a band of bark and cambium from the circumference of(a tree, usually in order to kill it. 剥去树皮剥去树周围的树皮带或形成层,通常是为了杀死树
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