时间:2024-12-29 03:47:33
Today is really a sunny day,I have been planing to make an excursion in the afternoon since yesterday evening. Hiking are too tiresome,so my sister said,she want to take us to Zhuhai City,that precise place maybe called Central Valley.
Furthermore,we talked about tonight's movie, we will see the movie 'spiderman',a very famous American thriller in Hollywood.
Moreover,I will take my girlfriend to buy some bait for the holidays' fishing day, I remember it should be on 3rd or 4th,May.www.kt250.com/
I am so sorry to tell you ,I could not tell what I have promised to my friends in the labours'day, I am really a forgettable guy,maybe two more three days later, some of my friends will visit me or they will give me a buzz for a badminton game.
For memorizing all the happy hour, I write this article for a happy note for today, 1st,May.
Send all my best wishes to my friends.
Sincerely yours!
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