
时间:2024-09-20 16:34:48 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

里约热内卢,巴西:摄氏41度的高温,至今为止夏季最热的一天,人们享受伊帕内玛海滩的清凉晚浴 摄影: Marcelo Sayao/美国环保署 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: People take an evening dip in Ipanema on the summer's hottest day so far, with temperatures at 41 degrees celsius article.yeeyan.org

冬去春来,随着夏季的临近,车主们开始考虑如何为自己配一套合适的清凉坐垫了。 Winter to spring, with the summer approaching, the owners began to consider how to fit for themselves with a suitable cool cushion. www.sdamsa.org
热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词