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时间:2025-01-15 14:33:01
端午到了,我用幸福米,发财枣,开心果,美丽豆,美满仁,健康糖,无忧水,做成一个大粽子送给你,愿你的日子就像它一样甜蜜,端午节快乐。下面是小编整理的端午祝福语,一起看一下吧!端午简短祝福语1、一叶粽子香,日子到端阳。2、时至五月五,喜庆在端午。3、艾叶又飘香,时间近端阳。4、粽子尝一尝,瑞气满口香。5、龙舟驶江里,艾草挂门上。6、发出的是文字,收到的是快乐,见到的是短信,不见的是牵挂,打开的是健康,读出的是吉祥,默默的是祝福,祝端午节快乐。7、万水千山粽是情,糖陷肉陷啥都行,糯米粘着红枣香,棕叶包着朋友情,鸡蛋伴着艾叶煮,平安健康永一生。祝端午节快乐。8、送你一个香甜的粽子,以芬芳的祝福为叶,宽厚的包容为米,温柔的叮咛做馅,再用友情的丝线缠绕。愿你品尝出人生的美好和五月的春天。端午节快乐!9、粽”想对你表白,我的思念是多么强烈;“粽”想对你倾诉,我的祝福是多么浪漫。一年一度的端午节,短信声声传耳边,啊!祝你快快乐乐端午节。10、端午节祝你:粽儿香香,美味芳芳;粽儿粘粘,福禄全全;粽儿长长,朋友广广;粽儿饱饱,财源好好;粽儿满满,人生暖暖;粽儿甜甜,情意绵绵。端午英文简短祝福语1.a leaf of zongzi fragrance, the day to duanyang.2.by may 5, the festival is dragon boat festival.3.the wormwood leaves are fragrant, and the time is near duanyang.4.zongzi taste, ruiqi full of fragrance.5.the dragon boat drives in the river, and the wormwood hangs on the door.6.sending out is the text, receiving is happy, seeing is the text message, missing is ncerned, opening is healthy, reading is auspicious, silent is blessing, wish dragon boat festival happy.7.rice dumplings are love, sugar and meat are all right, glutinous rice with red dates, palm leaves with friends, eggs with mugwort leaves, safe and healthy forever. happy dragon boat festival.8.send you a sweet zongzi, with fragrant blessing as the leaf, generous tolerance as the rice, gentle exhortation as the filling, and then twined with friendship threads. may you enjoy the beauty of life and the spring of may. happy dragon boat festival!9.zong "wants to express to you, how strong my missing is;" zong "wants to tell you, how romantic my blessing is. the annual dragon boat festival, the sound of text messages to the ear, ah! i wish you a happy dragon boat festival.10.dragon boat festival wishes you: zong'er is fragrant and delicious; zong'er is sticky and full of fortune; zong'er is long and has many friends; zong'er is full and has good financial resources; zong'er is full and warm in life; zong'er is sweet and affectionate.