
时间:2025-01-14 06:36:33 来源:作文网 作者:管理员


Translation: Chinese International Rescue Team, Bravo

“中国万岁!”这是阿尔及利亚群众在送别中国国际救援队时,发自内心的祝愿。“Long live China!” those were the well-wishes that came from the hearts of the crowd in Algeria when they were bidding farewell to the Chinese International Rescue Team.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2003年当地时间5月21日19时45分,阿尔及利亚北部地区发生里氏6.2级地震,At 19:45 local time on May 21, 2003, the northern district of Algeria experienced an earthquake that measured 6.2 on the Richter scale.造成两千二百多人死亡,一万多人受伤。It caused a casualty of 2,200+ deaths and 10,000+ injuries.震后,中国政府立即向阿尔及利亚派出由30人组成的救援队。After the earthquake hit, Chinese government immediately dispatched a rescue team of 30 members to Algeria.经过14个小时的长途飞行,中国国际救援队到达阿尔及利亚首都。After flying long-distance for fourteen hours, the Chinese International Rescue Team arrived at the capital of Algeria.他们一下飞机,就赶往受灾最严重的布迈尔代斯。Upon getting off the plane, they rushed to Boumerdes—the hardest hit city in the disaster.来到这座城市,展现在救援队员面前的是一片悲惨景象:When they arrived at this city, what the team members saw in front of them was a tragic scene.房倒屋塌,Houses and buildings were collapsed.失去亲人的大人、孩子在哭泣,Adults and children who lost their love ones were crying.空气中弥漫着尸体腐烂后散发的臭气。The air was permeated with the stink of decaying corpses.倒塌后的房屋大都呈“叠饼状”,Most of the collapsed houses shaped like stacked pies.加上余震还在不断发生,给救援工作造成很大困难。In addition, aftershocks happened continuously and caused much difficulty in proceeding with rescue.他们一下车,就迅速投入救援工作。Once the Chinese Rescue Team got off the vehicles they immediately joined in the rescue work.有的队员用声波探测仪仔细地搜索着每一条缝隙,细心地捕捉着废墟里发出的声音;Some members used sound locators to search carefully through every crack in capturing any noise from the ruins.有的队员操作液压钳,剪断纵横交错的一根根钢筋,搜寻着压在废墟下的幸存者……Other members operating hydraulic clamps cut apart crisscrossed reinforcing-bars to search for survivors buried under rubble.当时气温高达34摄氏度,At that time the temperature reached thirty-four degrees Celsius.队员们穿着厚厚的防护服,汗水把衣服浸透了,队员们仍然坚持战斗。Team members wearing thick protective clothing were soaking wet with sweat but they persevered to battle on.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------在这次救援中,有一个特殊队员——搜索犬“超强”,成了人们交口称赞的“救灾明星”。During this rescue mission, a special member—rescue dog “Super Strong”—became the much lauded “rescue star”.5月24日,中国国际救援队得到信息:有个儿童下落不明,可能仍被埋在废墟里,希望能够协助救援。On May 24 the Chinese International Rescue Team received words that several unaccounted-for children could still be buried under debris and the team was requested to assist in the rescue.虽然这个地方不属于中国国际救援队的负责范围,但为了抢救孩子的生命,中国国际救援队还是派出部分队员前往救援。Even though the location was outside of the team’s area of responsibility, for the sake of saving lives of children, the team still sent some members for the rescue.他们带着搜索犬“超强”在废墟中来回搜索。They brought along rescue dog “Super Strong” to search back and forth in the ruins.突然,“超强”冲着一条水泥板夹缝狂吠不止,Suddenly “Super Strong” barked frenziedly and incessantly toward the gap of several cement slabs.大家兴奋地喊道:“找到了!找到了!”Everyone shouted excitedly: “We’ve found them! We’ve found them.”救援队员在“超强”的引导下,看到了废墟中有一只隐隐活动的胳膊。Guided by “Super Strong”, rescue team members vaguely saw a moving arm in the debris.经过一番紧张的援救,在废墟中挣扎了三天的一名男孩终于被救了出来。After some intensive rescuing efforts, the little boy who had been struggling in rubble for three days was finally saved.当地群众对中国国际救援队感激不尽,搜索犬“超强”也因此在当地闻名遐迩。Local people were greatly appreciative to the Chinese team, and rescue dog “Super Strong” became famous locally far and near.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5月29日,中国国际救援队圆满完成了抢险救援任务,载誉返回祖国。On May 29, the Chinese International Rescue Team had satisfactorily completed their rescue mission and returned home to China with accolades aplenty.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词