时间:2025-01-16 18:52:42
过了腊月二十三,也就是北方的小年,很多家庭正式进入春节倒计时阶段了。春节期间走亲访友,肯定要说一些吉祥话儿的。你要是想出其不意,用英文来拜年,那就跟我们一起学起来吧! 猴年最常用祝福语
The Most Popular Greetings for Monkey Year 2016 猴年吉祥
Good luck for this Monkey year 猴年大吉
Lots of luck for this Monkey year 猴年送五福
This sentence gives people five best wishes for this Monkey year. 猴年送你五只猴:
This Monkey year, I give you five monkeys: 机灵诡秘如猕猴,
the ingenuity of the macaque, 健康快乐像马猴,
the health and happiness of the monkey, 悠闲富贵似猴子,
the leisure and wealth of monkey-kind, 无忧无虑比猿猴,
the lightheartedness of apes and monkeys, 聪明伶俐胜孙猴。
and intelligence and wit surpassing the Monkey King. 猴年最全祝福:前程、学识和事业都说到了
This sentence gives three best wishes for the new Monkey year — i.e. a bright future, good knowledge, and great success. 祝你猴年前程
I wish you in the Monkey year ahead 一个筋斗十万八千里,
a somersault of 9,000 kilometers , 兼七十二变混世才学,
72 simultaneous transformations in scholarliness, 具八十一种创业本领。
and 81 kinds of creative skill 春节常用祝福语
Common Greetings and Sayings for the Chinese New Year 过年好
Happy New Year 新春快乐
Happy 'New Spring' 春节快乐
Happy Spring Festival 吉祥如意
Good fortune according to your wishes 年年有余
Surplus year-after-year 吉星高照
Fortune will smile on you 心想事成
May all your wishes come true. 大吉大利
Lots of luck and profits 健康类祝福语
Greetings and Sayings for Health 龙马精神
The spirit of the dragon and horse 身体健康
Enjoy good health 精灵活泼(这句祝福语尤其适用于10岁以下的小朋友,祝他们活动聪明)
A bright and lively spirit 事业类祝福语
Greetings and Sayings at Work and for Business 恭喜发财(南方人多用,尤其在发红包的时候)
Happiness and prosperity 工作顺利
May your work go smoothly 工作顺利May your work go smoothly 事业有成
Success in your career 平步青云
Have a meteoric rise 马到成功
Instant success 步步高升
Promotions at every step 一帆风顺
May your life go smoothly. 升官发财
Win promotion and get rich 生意兴隆
Prosperous business 学生族祝福语
Greetings and Sayings for Students 学习进步
Progress in studies 金榜题名(对来年要参加高考等重要考试的学生族)
Success in the examination 家庭祝福语
Greetings and Sayings for the Family 阖家欢乐
Felicity of the whole family 阖家幸福
Happiness for the whole family (中国日报网英语点津 Helen) 上一篇 : 40种方式说“谢谢”
下一篇 : 如何用英语谈论自己的星座 分享到
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2016拜年词 好词