时间:2024-12-29 20:06:18
到了小矮人,当小矮人知道了白雪公主的真实身份时,便帮助了他们…… 【选段台词】 Huntsman: I’ sorry. I’m sorry. Snow White: You’re not. Huntsman: I am. Snow White: You left us. We should never have been there. Huntsman: Hey, look at me. I’ll take you to Duke Hammond’s , okay? All right? You have my word. Huntsman and Snow White: Wait! Beith: This is our lucky day. Huntsman: Oh.no. [w]Dwarves[/w]. Beith: The hedge-pig i [w]loathe[/w] most in the world lands right in our [w]lap[/w]. Huntsman: Come on, Beith. Is it how you treat friend? Beith: No,no,no. you puttock. This is how i treat a friend. Nion: She's pretty. Beith: And who's this? Is this an [w]errant[/w] [w]apprentice[/w] or captive? Snow White: The man is helping me. Gus: We should kill them both. Duir: He's caused us nothing but trouble. Gus: [w]Skewer[/w] him and leave her to [w]rot[/w]. I don't like killing girls. Duir: I do. Gus: Good. Muir: Leave her alone, Duir. Nion: He's got nothing. One silver coin and an empty [w]codpiece[/w]. Gort: Two days we sat here. What for? Nothing. Gus: We should have stayed by the river. What a waste of time! Huntsman: Cut us down, Beith. I have gold i can pay you. It's not here, it's hidden back in the woods. Nion: Shut your ugly mug, huntsman. If you have any pennies, you would have pissed it away on mead by now. Huntsman: Cut me down, then i'll show you. Nion: Pull the other one, you lying dangler. Snow White: Tell them the truth, huntsman. There's no time! Huntsman: I have to take this girl to Hammond's. She's not safe here. Gort: Well, my little heart bleeds for you. We should chop them up and feed them to the wolves. All: Yeah, yes! Beith: Who is she? Huntsman: She's worth a lot of gold to me. Which i am happy to share with you stupid little dwarves. Stop that! Snow White: Gold is worth nothing to any of you if you're all dead! The Queen's men hunt us! They're very close! Gort: Shut up! Snow White: You have love for the Queen? Beith: We have no love for the Queen. Snow White: Then you fight against her? Gus: No one fights against the Queen. Beith: We lost everything when the King died. Nion: We fight only for ourselves! All: Yes! Snow White: My father was King Magnus. Beith: Muir, does she speak the truth? Muir: Yes, she if of the blood. She is destined, Beith. I see an end to the darkness. The Queen's men: Riders! Snow White: If you don't cut us down, we'll all be killed! Gus: I don't like this, Beith. It smells like trouble. Snow White: You'll find your weight in gold if you cut us down, now! Gort: Shut up, Princess. Gus: Queen's riders! And they're coming this way! Beith: We'll take her, but not him! Huntsman: What? Snow White: No, both of us! Beith: Cut them both down, Gort! Let's get the hell out of here! The Queen's men: Move it! Move it! 【重点词汇】 1. You have my word. "我保证。"当猎人与白雪公主好不容易突出重围,在路边休息时,猎人向白雪公主保证,会带她到公爵那去。 2. piss away 意为“把……吃下肚”。小矮人戳穿了猎人的谎言,“如果你真有几便士,你早就用来换成蜂蜜酒喝下肚了。”悲剧的猎人,说谎的能力太弱哦! 3. My little heart bleeds for you. “啊,我真为你所心碎。”小矮人听到猎人说白雪公主在被女王追杀,很不安全,要白雪公主快点离开逃离女王军队的追捕时,嘲笑了一句。 4. chop up 小矮人说完我真为你所心碎后,紧接一句“应该把他们劈成几块喂狼。”本意为“把……切成碎片”,“把……劈成几块”。这里看起来,小矮人的确很凶横。 5. love for 意为“拥护”,当白雪公主知道小矮人本意不想帮他们时,急忙问:“难道你们拥护的是女王?”其实小矮人是中立派,不喜欢女王也不会与其抗衡,但是之后为了美丽的白雪公主,小矮人们的小宇宙爆发了!
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