
时间:2024-09-21 05:37:06 来源:作文网 作者:管理员


1、教 学 内 容教 师 活 动学 生 活 动Lead in教学导入用多媒体播放一个flash短片,在片中会涉及到定语从句中关系代词which, who, that和where等的用法.T: In the flash, what were they talking about?S: They were talking about their New Years plans.学生观看短片,根据教师的引导回答问题,并尝试完成pair work.这个环节的学生活动旨在创设一个视频情境,帮助学生更直观地进入学习定语从句的语境,从而为下一个环节的复习和巩固打下基础.另外,该环节也要求学生运用先前的英语学习经。

2、验,培养口语表达能力.Question and Answer学生对话:Q: What was the first plan of the wife?A: She wanted to visit the place where she was born.Q: What was her second plan?A: She wanted to visit Miss Scott, who was in France.Q: Why did the wife plan to visit Miss Scott? What did she say?A: Because the wife really wan。

3、ted to see Miss Scott, who had immigrated to France many years ago.Q: How did the wife say to her husband when she said the third plan.A: She said I planed to play golf twice a week, which would do my health good.Q: How did her husband feel when she said so?A: His plan is to prevent her from spendin。

4、g money.Revision复习环节Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.听录音,填写对话.T: Please listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. The dialogue will be read twice.教师要求学生完成听力任务,将对话中所缺的先行词和关系代词填入相应的空格内.这个环节通过听力练习,要求学生能够掌握并进一步熟悉关系代词和先行词的功能.Listening comprehensionP12听力练习三.Consolidation:巩固环节T: What。

5、 is the attributive clause?教师先让学生为定语从句下定义,然后通过一篇有关定语从句的文章让学生在完成两个任务:一.找出文章中所包含的定语从句.二.回答所给的问题.这是一个学生自我知识建构的环节,尝试从传统的教师”教语法”,转化为学生习得语法与培养学生英语交际能力联系起来.Scan the article and find out all the sentences which are attributive clauses.学生阅读文章,找出定语从句四.practice练习Find out the preceden。

6、t, the relative pronouns, the function of R.P.教师要求学生找出相关的定语从句后,然后完成表格.要求学生掌握先行词,关系代词和关系代词的作用和功能.T: I can see you have finished your reading. Please complete the tasks on the table. You can discuss with your partners if there is any problem. You have 5 minutes.Fill in the table according to the passa。

7、ge.学生独立完成表格,教师鼓励其遇到问题,可以与小组内的同伴讨论,共同解决.五.using the language 小组组活动Hand out some peoples pictures and ask the students to write the short passages with attributive clauses.教师先向学生示范游戏环节 ,然后教师将全班划分为5个小组,指定小组内的组长,给每组分发3至5张的人物照片,要求学生共同完成短文.在教师所提供的这些人物照片中。

8、,既有文化名人,科学先驱,也有体坛健将,娱乐明星,这样可以在激发学生想象力的同时,培养其人文素养.T: Now well play a game called “Who is he? Who is she?” Suppose I can see some peoples pictures that you cant. But I will describe him or her to you using the structure of the Attributive Clause so that you can image the people and make a guess Is that clear? Now lets begin.Write short passage to describe the pictures and make a presentation.小组组员合作完成作品,并向全班展示.六. More practice 练习Write a short passage to describe a person within no less than 100 完成一篇100字短文,要求至少有5句定语从句。
热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词