时间:2024-12-27 16:35:30
21. 这本书里有50个小故事,包括我刚才讲的那一个。
This book contains fifty short stories, including the one I told just now.
If you do shopping in the supermarkets in America, you will be surprised to find many of the clothes were made in China.
23. 你能区别这四个意思相近的动词吗?
Can you tell apart the four verbs which have similar meanings?
24. 通过这本小说,体可以了解到18世纪欧洲人的生活和风俗习惯。
Through this novel , you can have an idea about the life and customs of the Europeans in the eighteenth century.
25. 他近视眼的原因是经常连续四五个小时不停地看书。 ,
The reason why he became near-sighted is that he often kept reading for four or five hours.
26. 在高考中遇到难题,冷静和自信是成功的关键。
I really don’t understand why the information which I stored in the computer last Sunday is missing.
28. 妇果你穿这样的衣服在街上走,肯定会被人笑话的。
It is certain that you will be laughed at if you wear this kind of clothes/a coat like this in the street.
29. 对于学过三四年英语的人来说与别人交谈时出些差错是很自然的。
It is natural for people who have leared English for three or four years to make some mistakes while talking with others.
30. 这种执煤里提炼出来的物质可以制成各种有用的物品。
The substance taken out of coal can be made into various useful articles.
31. 刚才与你握手的外籍教师下学期将教我们英国文学。
The foreign teacher with whom you shook hands just now will teach us English literature next term.
32. 即便我考试不及格,也不会像汤姆那祥作弊。
Even if I fail in the exam, I won’t cheat as Tom did.
33. 是否要在黄浦江下面再造一条隧道将在明天的会上讨论
Whether to build another tunnel under the Huangpu River will be discussed at tomorrow’s meeting.
34. 你真是考虑得太周到了,为我奶奶安徘了一间装有空调的房间。
It is considerate of you to have arranged a room equipped with an air-conditioner for my grandmother.
35. 使他兴奋的是。他在山顶上看到了他一生中从未看到过的奇妙景象。
To his excitement, on the top of the mountain he saw the wonderful sight which he had never seen in his life.
36. 这种衣服是专门为那些在各种恶劣环境下工作的人设计的。
This kind of clothes is specially designed for those who work under different terrible conditions.
37. 年轻人不能老是想到自己,要学会如何关心别人。
Young people can’t always think of themselves, and must learn how to care for others.
I wonder whether you have noticed the article about pollution in Jiefang Daily.
If you want to see a dentist in Britain, you should phone to make an appointment beforehand.
Little Tommy hurried to school and didn’t look both ways and as a result he was knocked down by a motorbike.
41. 长江从东到西蜿蜒5800千米。
The Changjiang River winds itself from west to east for 5 800 kilometms.
42. 这中药闻起来有些怪味,但治疗感冒非常有效。
The Chinese medicine smells a bit strange,but it is quite effective in treating cold.
43. 实在对不起,在过去几个月里给你添了不少麻烦。
I’m terribly sorry to have given you a lot of trouble in the past few months
44. 黄浦江以东的土地叫浦东,比新加坡面积大。
The 1and to the east of the Huangpu River is called Pudong,which is larger than Singapore in area.
45. 许多人一直梦想将来有一天能在月亮上安家。
Many people have been dreaming of settting down on the moon some day in the future.
46. 在沙漠里你走得越慢危险就越大。
The more slowly you walk in the desert,the more dangerous you will be.
47. 我现在最想要的是一杯不加糖的咖啡。
What I want now is a cup of coffee without sugar.
48. 他具有音乐天才,30岁就被任命为上海交响乐队的指挥。
He had a talent for music and was appointed conductor of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra at the age of thirty/when he was thirty.
49. 专家们建议污水净化以后才能排入河流,湖泊。
The experts suggested that pdluted water be made clean before it was poured into the rivers and lakes.
50. 老师的鼓励使彼得对前途充满信心。
The teacher’s encouragement made Peter confident of the future.
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