the devil歌词

时间:2024-09-21 20:30:23 来源:作文网 作者:管理员



Lord, Thank you for today, Thank you for tomorrow


Lord, We pray that you may please fill this place right now with your presence


Thank you for your love and grace


Please remove any type of negativity, any type of fears, any type of doubts that we have in our body


Father God, We pray you may please bless us with angels to protect us


Lord Jesus, please come fill this place


Please cancel out any, any type of attack that the Devil has on us


In Jesus' name, Amen


Down by the river where the cat-tails grow


Up jumped the Devil trying to steal my soul


But I fought with the Devil, I said No No No


Devil get down in your hole


If you walk with Jesus, you'll never be alone


When you meet a begger, better let him in your home


Give hime wine and bread like the Good Book said

就像圣经(在美国the Good Book指圣经)里说的那样,给他一些面包和葡萄酒

And if he's feeling weary, let him sleep in your bed



Up in the mountain where the wise man prays


Crept up the hills to see his face


Found him in the corner of a darkened cave stroking the fire with his diary page saying


Devil's on the level with the 7 inch shovel today


Whether alive or dead, we end up the same


I pray dear Lord, my soul is saved


Never did I ever think if something so clever


Whatever cards we dealt we gon have to play


but with idle hands the road to hell is paved


Lying, killing, stealing that’s the devil

and his dealing of pain and shame


No, I wouldn’t steer you wrong


so heed the warnings of this song


Time to get your cross and show the devil

who the boss is today,we pray


Father god come fill this place,

heal my heart Lord, as I pray


《Sympathy for the devil》《同情魔鬼》滚石乐队

Please allow me to introduce myself请容我做个自我介绍

I'm a man of wealth and tas我这人很有财富和品味

I've been around for a long, long year我在这世上徘徊了太多太多年

Stole many man's soul and faith偷了很多人的信仰和灵魂

And I was'round when Jesus Christ当耶稣基督饱受质疑和痛苦之时

Had his moment of doubt and pain我就在旁边

Made damn sure that Pilate确保了彼拉多(判耶稣有罪的执政官)

Washed his hands and sealed his fate洗了自己的手,让自己遗臭万年


Pleased to meet you很高兴见到你

Hope you guess my name希望你猜到我的名字

But what's puzzling you我那疯狂游戏的意义

Is the nature of my game一直让你困惑不已

I stuck around St. Petersberg我圣彼得斯堡转来转去

When I saw it was a time for a change当我发现时逢巨变

Killed the Czar and his ministers沙皇和他的大臣们都被宰了(俄国二月革命)

Anastasia screamed in vain阿纳斯塔西娅公主(沙皇小女儿)啕嚎大哭也是枉然

I rode a tank,Held a general's rank我驾驶着坦克,是指挥千军万马的将军

When the Blitzkrieg raged猛烈的闪电战过后

And the bodies stank到处都是发出恶臭的尸体

Pleased to meet you很高兴认识你

Hope you guess my name, oh yeah希望你猜到我的名字,没错

Ah,What's puzzling you我那疯狂游戏的意义

Is the nature of my game, oh yeah一直让你困惑不已,哦耶

I watched with glee我幸灾乐祸地看着

While your kings and queens你们的国王和皇后们

Fought for ten decades For the Gods they made为了各自信奉的神,打了整整一个世纪

I shouted out"Who killed the Kennedys?"我大喊道“谁杀了肯尼迪?”

When after all It was you and me归根到底就是我和你

Let me please introduce myself请让我来个自我介绍

I'm a man of wealth and taste我是个很有财富和品味的人

And I laid traps for troubadors是我给他们设下了陷阱

Who get killed before they reached Bombay那些在赶到孟买之前毙命游吟僧侣们

Pleased to meet you很高兴认识你

Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah希望你能猜出我的名字,哦耶

But what's puzzling you我那疯狂游戏的意义

Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby一直让你困惑不已,屈服吧~宝贝


Pleased to meet you很高兴认识你

Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah希望你能猜出我的名字,哦耶

But what's confusing you我那疯狂游戏的意义

Is just the nature of my game一直就那么让你困惑不已

Just as every cop is a criminal就像所有的警察可能都是罪犯

And all the sinners saints所有的坏人也可能都是圣人

As heads is tails仿佛正义就是邪恶

Just call me Lucifer就叫我魔鬼/撒旦吧

'Cause I'm in need of some restraint因为真的没人能管得了我

So if you meet me所以如果你见到我

Have some courtesy有点礼貌

Have some sympathy, and some taste带点同情,带点品味

Use all your well-learned politesse用尽你学会的优雅礼节

Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah否则我会肆意蹂躏你的灵魂,嗯耶

Pleased to meet you很高兴认识你

Hope you guessed my name, um yeah希望你已猜出了我的名字,哦耶

But what's puzzling you我那疯狂游戏的意义

Is the nature of my game一直让你困惑不已

Tell me baby, what's my name回答我宝贝,我叫什么名字

Tell me honey, can ya guess my name告诉我宝贝,你丫能不能猜到我的名字

Tell me baby, what's my name回答我宝贝,我叫什么名字

Tell me, sweetie, what's my name告诉我甜心我叫什么名字

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热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词