mj 歌词 翻译

时间:2024-09-21 11:04:17 来源:作文网 作者:管理员


作词、作曲:Michael Jackson

Nation To Nation All The World全世界所有的国家

Must Come Together必须团结起来

Face The Problems That We See去面对我们所看到的问题

Then Maybe Somehow We Can Work It Out如此我们才可能将它解决

I Asked My Neighbor For A Favor我请邻居帮个忙

She Said Later她说下回吧

What Has Come Of All The People人们这都是怎么了

Have We Lost Love Of What Its About我们是否遗失爱的真谛了

I Have To Find My Peace Cuz我得让自己冷静一下

No One Seems To Let Me Be因为人们似乎不愿成全我

False Prophets Cry Of Doom伪先知哭泣着世界末日

What Are The Possibilities究竟会发生什么

I Told My Brother Therell Be Problems,Times And Tears For Fears,


We Must Live Each Day Like Its The Last


Go With It解决它

Go With It解决它


It Aint Too Much Stuff这不算什么问题

It Aint Too Much不算什么

It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam对我来说根本不是问题

It Aint这不算

It Aint Too Much Stuff不算什么问题

It Aint不算

Dont You It Aint Too Much For Me To...告诉你这对我来说根本……

The World Keeps Changing世界片刻不停地变化

Rearranging Minds And Thoughts冲击着思想和观念

Predictions Fly Of Doom预言飞来横祸

The Baby Boom Has Come Of Age生于这时代的婴孩如今已主沉浮

Well Work It Out我们会处理好

I Told My Brothers我曾告诉我的同胞们

Dont You Ask Me For No Favors别指望我能帮你什么忙

Im Conditioned By我已融入了

The System这个体系

Dont You Talk To Me我不要听你们说话

Dont Scream And Shout别叫叫嚷嚷

She Pray To God, To Buddha她求神拜佛

Then She Sings A Talmud Song Confusions Contradict The Self


Do We Know Right From Wrong我们能从错误中汲取教训吗?

I Just Want You To Recognize Me我要要你认清我

(Recognize Me)(看清我的脸)

I’m The Temple我便是圣人,

(In The Temple)(在圣殿里)

You Cant Hurt Me Within Myself坚不可摧,

I Found Peace Within Myself我终于寻得真谛。

Go With It解决它

Go With It解决它


It Aint Too Much Stuff这不算什么问题

It Aint Too Much不算什么

It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam对我来说根本不是问题

It Aint这不算

It Aint Too Much Stuff不算什么问题

It Aint不算

Dont You It Aint Too Much For Me To...告诉你这对我来说根本…

(Rap Performed By Heavy D)(Heavy D说唱:)

Jam Jam困境困境

Here Comes The Man他来了

Hot Damn老天

The Big Boy Stands看他踮起脚尖

Movin Up A Hand抬起一只手。

Makin Funky Tracks With My Man跟我兄弟一同做这醉人音乐

Michael Jackson迈克尔杰克逊

Smooth Criminal犯罪高手

Thats The Man就是此人

Mikes So Relaxed麦克是如此无拘无束

Mingle Mingle Jingle联手团结

In The Jungle敲响警钟

Bum Rushed The Door 3 And 4s In A Bundle游民三五成群冲破门槛

Execute The Plan要执行这个计划

First I Cooled Like A Fan我得先拿扇子冷静下来

Got With Janet先是和珍妮合作如此

Then With Guy然后是那个家伙

Now With Michael如今是迈克尔

Cause It Aint Hard To...这难不倒……



It Aint这可不是

It Aint Too Much Stuff这可不算什么问题

It Aint Too Much还够不上

It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam这无法难倒我

Get On It拿出冲劲

It Aint Too Much Stuff这根本不算

It Aint不算

Dont Stop片刻别停

It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam我不会怯步

It Aint这不是

It Aint Too Much Stuff不是什么问题

It Aint不是

Dont You听好了

It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam这根本难不倒我

It Aint这算什么

It Aint Too Much Stuff这算什么问题

It Aint算不上

Dont You告诉你

It Aint Too Much For Me To它不过是……

It Aint Too Hard For Me这对我称不上

To Jam(x9)

Get On It继续努力


It Aint这是什么

It Aint Too Much Stuff这算什么问题

It Aint Too Much算不上

It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam这根本就难不倒我

It Aint就这个

It Aint Too Much Stuff这点问题

It Aint算什么

Dont You告诉你

It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam这根本难不倒我

It Aint Too Much Stuff这算得上什么

It Aint Too Much算不上

It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam我不会被这些给难倒

It Aint?这也?

It Aint Too Much Stuff这也算问题?

It Aint这也?

Dont You听好了

It Aint Too Much For Me To这点问题对我来说……

Get On It拿出冲劲

Get On It勇往直前

Give It Baby努力吧

Give It To Me相信我吧

Come On来吧

You Really Give It Too Me我值得你信任

Got To Give It必须奉献出

You Just Want To Give It你正想奉献出


He got kicked in the back他惨遭背后中伤

He say that he needed that他认为此举必要

He hot willed in the face他面庞充满坚定

Keep daring to motivate他自励勇往直前

He say one day you will see他说总有一天你会明白

His place in world history他在世界历史中的地位

He dares to be recognized他渴望被人理解

The fires deep in his eyes他的眼中充满烈焰

How many victims must there be有多少无辜的受害者

Slaughtered in vain across the land被杀戮在这片土地上

And how many struggles must there be我们要经历多少的苦难

Before we choose to live the prophet's plan才去决定实现先知的预言

Everybody sing...大家一起唱

Every day create your history每一天你都在创造历史

Every path you take你走过的每一条路

You're leaving your legacy都是在给世人留下遗产

Every soldier dies in his glory每个牺牲的战士都无比光荣

Every legend tells of conquest and liberty每个传奇都讲述著征服与自由

Don't let no one get you down别被任何人击垮

Keep movin' on higher ground攀登更高的巅峰

Keep flying until努力展翅去飞翔

You are the king of the hill直到屹立山之巅

No force of nature can break自然的力量无法抵挡

Your will to self motivate你那自强不息的信念

She say this face that you see她说你面前这张脸

Is destined for history它注定被载入史册

How many people have to cry世界上有多少人

The song of pain and grief across the land要悲鸣著苦难与悲痛的歌声

And how many children have to die又有多少孩子无辜地死去

Before we stand to lend a healing hand我们甚至来不及伸出救援之手

Everybody sing...大家一起唱

Every day create your history每一天你都在创造历史

Every path you take你走过的每一条路

You're leaving your legacy都是在给世人留下遗产

Every soldier dies in his glory每个牺牲的战士都无比光荣

Every legend tells of conquest and liberty每个传奇都讲述著征服与自由

Every day create your history每一天你都在创造历史

Every page you turn你翻过的每一页

You're writing your legacy都写下了你的遗产

Every hero dreams of chivalry每个英雄都梦想成为光辉的骑士

Every child should sing together in harmony所有的孩子都应该齐声高唱

All nations sing放声高唱不分国度

Let's harmonize all around the world让全世界充满和谐

How many victims must there be有多少无辜的受害者

Slaughtered in vain across the land被杀戮在这片土地

And how many children must we see有多少的孩子要我们必须去关注

Before we learn to live as brothers在我们尚没意识到我们应亲如兄弟

And create one family oh...建立一个大家庭之前

A soldier dies一个战士死了

A mother cries一个母亲哭了

The promised child身负重任的孩子

shines in a baby's eyes在一个婴孩的眼中闪耀

All nations sing放声高唱不分种族

Let's harmonize all around the world让全世界充满和谐

上一篇:mj love歌词


热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词