low life 歌词

时间:2024-09-20 22:25:10 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

Check it out- it's eleven-thirty,看看,现在是十一点半 My hand is getting dirty我的手弄脏了 Snatchin' up things that probably can't be waitin'抢走那些可能不能久放的东西 Now this is a vision of a violent life现在我看到了一幅暴力的生活场面 Livin' by a guard and totem of the night这是一个警卫的生活,这是夜晚的图腾 I'm slamin' doors 2-4-5'n pullin' the keys我狠狠关上门2-4-5抽出钥匙(可能245是房间号吧。。) Now these are the traged valuable luxuries to me现在这些悲剧的东西对我来说是宝贵的奢侈品 In the early dawn, before you yawn在早早的黎明,在你打哈欠之前 I've been there swiped you and then I'm gone我就猛揍了你一顿,接着我就走了 Now it's six-o-clock, my heart tic-tacs现在六点了,我的心还在滴滴答答地发出声响 A black sadden bag full of bad ass rocks一个悲哀的黑色袋子里满是坏的XXX(此处是骂人的话,不太和谐,大意就是摇晃摇晃你的屁股==) My identity has to be exposed我的身份曝光了 Stealing from the spot that I chooly chosed从我先前的选择里偷盗 I lose and enfuse my choice to chose我失去了我选择的权利 Now I'm sick and I'm fallin' deeper in the mess现在我感到很恶心,我跌落在更深的沼泽里了 There's no hope for me, see??对我来说已经没有希望了,你知道吗? My path has been chosen I'm Johnny B我的道路早就被选定了,我是Johnny B Johnny B, how much there is to see Johnny B,到底那儿有多少东西? Just open your eyes, and listen to me你只要睁开眼睛,听我说话 Straight ahead, a green light turns to red直直往前走,绿灯变红灯 Oooh why can't you see, oooh Johnny B哦你为什么看不到,哦Johnny B Johnny B, how much there is to see Johnny B,到底那儿有多少东西? Just open your eyes, and listen to me你只要睁开眼睛,听我说话 Straight ahead, a green light turns to red直直往前走,绿灯变红灯 Oooh why can't you see, oooh Johnny B哦你为什么看不到,哦Johnny B The situation's tight形势紧张 You are billin' by the night你在夜晚里挥霍 Can't choose between the wrongs and the rights不能在错与对之间选择 I'm searchin' for the clues, yo-what am I gotta do我在寻找先做,啊我到底要干什么 I got the habit to take valuable things from you我养成了从你这儿拿值钱东西的习惯 Here I stand and I'm physically trapped by my tent我在这里站着,我的身体被包幕困住了 Drifting northern breeze triumphal is this adman这是没落的来自微风飘飘飘的北部广告人 A lonely path when I stand alone我一个人站在这儿的时候,这是条孤独的小路 A round mothern flexion bendin' by my own一个圆圆mothern?的被我自己掰成可怕的角度(mothern不认识这个词,如果是法语的话是人民公社的意思,可是不太通) Here I lay down into certain deaths在这里我真的快要死去 Two spirits calls grabs my very last breath两种灵魂抓住了我最后的呼吸 Sometimes I wish reveseness in my path有的时候我希望我从我的小路倒退回去 A simple guest or a simple laugh只有简单的客人,简单的笑容 But I'm evil, dirty and mean但我邪恶,肮脏而又凶狠 Two pounds blood pasts through my bloodstream两镑的血液从我的血管里流过 Frightened huh? You should be吓到了吧?你该被吓到 Who am I? I'm Johnny B!我是谁?我是Johnny B!! Johnny B, how much there is to see Johnny B,到底那儿有多少东西? Just open your eyes, and listen to me你只要睁开眼睛,听我说话 Straight ahead, a green light turns to red直直往前走,绿灯变红灯 Oooh why can't you see, oooh Johnny B哦你为什么看不到,哦Johnny B Here we go here we go now check the flow我们走啦我们走啦去看那川流不息 Here we go here we go now check the flow我们走啦我们走啦去看那川流不息 Here we go here we go now check the flow我们走啦我们走啦去看那川流不息 Here we go, Johnny B is in control我们走啦,Johnny B还能控制自己 Here we go here we go now check the flow我们走啦我们走啦去看那川流不息 Here we go here we go now check the flow我们走啦我们走啦去看那川流不息 Here we go here we go now check the flow我们走啦我们走啦去看那川流不息 Here we go, Johnny B is in control我们走啦,Johnny B还能控制自己 It's a sleepless night, he's callin' your name这是一个不眠夜,他在呼唤你的名字 It's a lonely ride, I know how you saw him这是个孤独的旅程,我知道你怎么遇到他的 Again and again一次又一次 He's dressin' his dreams他做着他的梦 Yeaah, Johnny my friend, it's not what it seems...耶,Johnny我的好朋友,事情不是你看到的那样 Johnny B, how much there is to see Johnny B,到底那儿有多少东西? Just open your eyes, and listen to me你只要睁开眼睛,听我说话 Straight ahead, a green light turns to red直直往前走,绿灯变红灯 Oooh why can't you see, oooh Johnny B哦你为什么看不到,哦Johnny B Johnny B, how much there is to see Johnny B,到底那儿有多少东西? Just open your eyes, and listen to me你只要睁开眼睛,听我说话 Straight ahead, a green light turns to red直直往前走,绿灯变红灯 Oooh why can't you see, oooh Johnny B哦你为什么看不到,哦Johnny B

i can see我能看到

when you stay low nothing happens当我俯视,一切相安无事

does it feel right而却被危机感包围

Late at night夜已深

things I thought I put behind me我面前的一切

haunt my mind印于我心

I just know there's no escape我只知道,一切都来不及了

now once it sets its eyes on you当它的目光灼视着你

but I won't run, have to stare it in the eye我不能溃退,只得面对

Stand my ground, I wont give in坚守我的领地,绝不屈服

no more denying, I got to face it不再逃避,我必须面对

won't close my eyes and hide the truth inside绝不漠视真相的存在

if I dont make it, someone else will如果我做不到,会有谁践踏我的领地

stand my ground

It's all around重重包围

getting stronger, coming closer封闭我的世界

into my world

I can feel我能感觉到

that it's time for me to face it面对它的时刻已经到来

can i take it?我能否掌控?

Though this might just be the ending也许这只是生命的终结

of the life I held so dear我决心已定

but I won't run, there's no turning back from here退路已断我不能奔逃

Stand my ground(repeat chorus)坚守我的领地

All I know for sure is I'm trying我只能确定我正竭尽全力

I will always stand my ground我将永远坚守

Stand my ground, I wont give in坚守我的领地

I wont give up绝不屈服,绝不放弃

no more denying, I got to face it不再逃避,必须面对

won't close my eyes and hide the truth inside绝不漠视真相的存在

if I dont make it, someone else will如果我做不到,会有谁

stand my ground践踏我的领地

Stand my ground, I wont give in坚守领地,绝不屈服

no more denying, I got to face it不再逃避,必须面对

won't close my eyes and hide the truth inside绝不漠视真相存在

if I dont make it, someone else will如果我做不到

stand my ground会有谁践踏我的领地

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