
时间:2024-09-21 20:55:11 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

1. Lana Del Rey的《Ride》歌词


歌手:Lana Del Rey

专辑:Born to Die- The Paradise Edition


Lana Del Rey

I've been out on that open road

You can be my full time, daddy

White and gold

Singing blues has been getting old

You can be my full time, baby

Hot or cold

Don't break me down

I've been travelin' too long

I've been trying too hard

With one pretty song

I hear the birds on the summer breeze,

I drive fast I am alone in the night

Been tryin' hard not to get into trouble, but I

I've got a war in my mind

So, I just ride

Dying young and I'm playing hard

That's the way my father made his life an art

Drink all day and we talk'til dark

That's the way the road doves do it, ride'til dark.

Don't leave me now

Don't say good bye

Don't turn around

Leave me high and dry

I hear the birds on the summer breeze, I drive fast

I am alone in the night

Been tryin' hard not to get in trouble, but I

I've got a war in my mind

I just ride

I'm tired of feeling like I'm f*ckin' crazy

I'm tired of driving'till I see stars in my eyes

I look up to hear myself saying,

“Baby, too much I strive, I just ride.”

I hear the birds on the summer breeze, I drive fast

I am alone in the night

Been tryin' hard not to get in trouble, but I

I've got a war in my mind

I just ride


2. ride lana del rey中文歌词






































3. Lana Del Rey的 Yayo歌词,求中文

I like the snake on your tattoo我喜欢你纹身上的蛇 I like the ivy and the ink blue我喜欢长春藤和墨水蓝的颜色 Yayo Yeah, you Yayo You have to take me right now你现在必须带我离开 From this dark trailer park life now离开这个黑暗的移动房屋(集装箱式的房子) Yayo How now现在怎样 Yayo Put me onto your black motorcycle把我放在你的黑色摩托车上 Fifty baby dollar dress for my"I do"用五十美元换我的‘’我愿意‘’ It'll only take o hours to Nevada从这里到内华达只要两个小时 I wear your sparkle, you call me your mama我笼罩在你的光芒下,你说我是你的女神 Let me put on a show for you, daddy让我为你呈现一场表演,老兄 Let me put on a show让我为你呈现一场表演 Let me put on a show for you, tiger让我为你呈现一场表演,老虎(指精力旺盛的人) Let me put on a show让我为你呈现一场表演 I need you like a baby when I hold you当我抱着你的时候你要像婴儿一般 Like a druggy, like I told you像吸毒着一般,像我和你说过那样 Yayo Yeah, you Yayo Put me onto your black motorcycle把我放在你的黑色摩托车上 Fifty baby doll dress for my"I do"五十个玩偶穿上了'‘i do'' It'll only take o hours to Nevada这里到内华达只需两个小时 I wear your sparkle, you call me your mama我笼罩在你的光芒下,你说我是你的女神 Let me put on a show for you, daddy让我为你呈现一场表演,老兄 Let me put on a show让我为你呈现一场表演 Let me put on a show for you, tiger让我为你呈现一场表演,老虎(指精力旺盛的人) Let me put on a show让我为你呈现一场表演 Hello, heaven, you are a tunnel-lined With yellow lights on a dark night你好,天堂,你是夜里一个泛着黄色光的隧道 Yayo Yeah, you Yayo Put me onto your black motorcycle把我放在你的黑色摩托车上 Fifty baby doll dress for my"I do"五十个玩偶穿上了‘' i do'' It'll only take o hours to Nevada这里到内华达只需两个小时 I wear your sparkle, you call me your mama我笼罩在你的光芒下,你说我是你的女神 Let me put on a show for you, daddy让我为你呈现一场表演,老兄 Let me put on a show让我为你呈现一场表演 Let me put on a show for you, tiger让我为你呈现一场表演,老虎(指精力旺盛的人) Let me put on a show让我为你呈现一场表演。

4. lana del rey––tep no的中文歌词

歌曲:Lana del Dre

演唱者:Tep No

作词:Tep No

作曲: Tep No

编曲: Tep No

ever wonder why you met me


fell in love of a coffee


you're looking so damn pretty


i fot to breath


now i get you call and money was hide hide cause everytime i die you save me


yeah i got caught on but the moon not tonight u cant stop me from missing you


cause baby you are the nice thing,


baby know that you can do anything


anything you want on your jac-lket(?)


dont u know that i believing in u, i believing in u




i believe in u


wu~wu~wu~ wu~


i believe in u


5. lana del rey

中英文对照歌词:Lana Del Rey- Born To Die《难逃一死》Feet don't fail me now脚步不再蹒跚 Take me to the finish line我徐徐走向人生的终点线 All my heart, it breaks every step that I take每一步都让我的心绞痛 But I'm hoping that the gates,但我还是希望天堂的大门They'll tell me that you're mine能告诉我你就是属于我的爱Walking through the city streets我穿过城市的大街小巷 Is it by mistake or design?这是被设计过?还只是一次失误?I feel so alone on a Friday night在这个周末的夜晚我感到如此的孤独 Can you make it feel like home, if I tell you you're mine如果我告诉你你就是我的爱你又是否会给我归属感 It's like I told you honey亲爱的我已表达过我的爱意 Don't make me sad, don't make me cry请不要让我伤心请不要让我哭泣 Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough爱情有时让人贪得无厌让人痛苦不堪 I don't know why爱情是如此的神秘 Keep making me laugh,请让我永远的欢笑 Let's go get high请让我永远的开心 The road is long, we carry on长路漫漫我们携手共进 Try to have fun in the meantime试图在路上寻找一些乐趣来慰藉痛苦 Come and take a walk on the wild side来吧让我们一起漫步在野地 Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain让我在倾盆大雨中与你激吻 You like your girls insane我知道你喜欢恋人之间的狂热 Choose your last words选好你最后要说的话 This is the last time这是我们最后的一次机会 Cause you and I, we were born to die因为你和我我们都难逃一死 Lost but now I am found是你在人海中将我拯救 I can see but once I was blind是你让我睁开了双眼 I was so confused as a little child我曾困惑得像个懵懂的孩子 Tried to take what I could get竭尽全力争取一切机会 Scared that I couldn't find亲爱的我害怕失去你的爱扩展资料:Lana Del Rey简介:1,拉娜·德雷(Lana Del Rey)本名Elizabeth Grant,1985年6月21日出生于美国纽约州,美国女歌手、词曲创作者、模特。

2,2011年6月发行首张单曲《Video Games》开始活跃于歌坛。2012年1月27日发行首张录音室专辑《Born to Die》在乐坛走红;同年2月21日获得第32届全英音乐奖国际最具突破艺人奖。

3,2012年发行《Born to Die》的改版专辑《Born to Die– The Paradise Edition》。2013年2月在第32届全英音乐奖国际最佳女歌手奖;同年5月为电影《了不起的盖茨比》献唱插曲《Young and Beautiful》。

4,2014年凭借歌曲《Summertime Sadness》的Cedric Gervais混音版获得第56届格莱美奖最佳非古典类混音唱片奖;同年6月17日发行的第三张录音室专辑《Ultraviolence》,登上公告牌二百强专辑榜冠军。5,2015年9月18日,发行第四张录音室专辑《Honeymoon》。

2017年7月21日,发行第五张录音室专辑《Lust For Life》。

6. lana del rey的because of you中文中文歌词

Lana Del Rey- Because Of YouOn the streets of LA在洛杉矶的街道上Where the future is now未来就在眼前We dance like nobody's watching us我们尽情的跳舞,就像没人看着我们那样And we live like we want to我们像我们梦想的那样活着But it can all get a little crazy但这可能有点疯狂Unless there's something to hold onto除非有东西让我们紧紧抓住For me, that was true love对我来说,那才是真爱I was a young girl, selfish and wild我是一个年轻的女孩,自私并且狂野Like a fire in LA就像在洛杉矶的火Hot like the summer and mean like a child火热的就像夏天,就像孩子Who keeps crying till she gets her way一个不停地哭直到得到自己想要的玩具如愿以偿的孩子(like a true star)像一个真正的明星There were roses in my hair, rock n roll on blare, and I was in trouble我的头发上有玫瑰花瓣,摇滚乐在耳边嘶吼,我有麻烦了And no one could rock me like you could没有人可以像你那样震撼我I was a bad girl gone good我曾是个坏女孩但我改邪归正Look at me now, I have everything看看现在的我,拥有了一切You gave to me and my heart can sing你给了我所有,我的心在歌唱I was a kid who could only drink我曾是一个只会买醉的人Dance on tables, makin' deal with devils,like a drunk beauty queen在桌子上跳舞,对付魔鬼,就像喝醉的选美皇后Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene, and it brought me to my knees战斗幻想,着迷于迷幻,它让我跪地求饶And it's all。

because。 of you这所有的所有,都是因为你(you know what I'm talkin' about)(你知道我在说什么)It was a mad world, we lived for fun这是一个疯狂的世界,我们为了乐趣活着And we got shit for free我们免费得到了乐趣Had a face like an angel, but inside my heart was as black as a broke movie screen有一张天使般的面孔,但我的内心就像破碎的电影屏幕一样黑暗(It was pretty sad)(这真悲伤)But then I saw you standing there, like a millionaire但我看到你站在那里,像一个百万富翁Give me a number, call me before I get stupid给我留下号码,在我迷失之前打给我Make me uncrazy like you did就像你之前那样做的让我清醒Look at me now看看现在的我I have everything我拥有了一切You gave to me and my heart can sing这一切都是你给的我,我的心在歌唱I was a kid who could only drink我曾是一个只会买醉的人Dance on tables, makin' deal with devils like a drunk beauty queen在桌子上跳舞,对付魔鬼,就像喝醉的选美皇后Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene, but you brought me to my knees战斗幻想,着迷于迷幻,它让我跪地求饶And it's all。

这一切because。 of you都是因为你It isn't hard to see, you got a hold on me, give me your money, love me to death不难看出,你抓住了我的心,把你的钱给我,爱我直到你生命的最后一刻Talk like a baby, cause I'm so elated说话像个婴儿,因为我是如此兴奋You tell me that你告诉我I ain't seen nothing quite yet我还什么都没有看到(I don't wanna lose it, I'm in love, but I didn't choose it)(我不想失去它,我的爱,但是我没有选择它)Roses in my hair头发上的玫瑰花瓣dancing in the air, feels like I'm flying在空中飞舞,感觉就像我在飞Tell me you love me, boy, do it告诉我你爱我,亲爱的,告诉我It's just like I thought,正如我所想的那样I just knew it现在我才发觉Look at me now, I have everything看看现在的我,我拥有了一切You gave to me and my heart can sing这一切都是你给的我,我的心在歌唱I was a kid who could only drink我曾经只是个买醉的人Dance on tables, makin' deal with devils like a drunk beauty queen在桌子上跳舞,对付魔鬼,就像喝醉的选美皇后Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene, you bring me to my knees战斗幻想,着迷于迷幻,它让我跪地求饶And it's all。

because。 of you这一切,都是因为你Yeah it's all.. because。

of you这一切,都是因为有你。

7. Lana Del Rey的《Yayo》歌词


歌手:Lana Del Rey

专辑:Born to Die- The Paradise Edition


Lana Del Rey

I like the snake on your tattoo

I like the Ivy and the

Ink blue

Yayo, yeah you


You have to take me right now

From this dark trailer park

Life now

Yayo, how now


Put me onto your black motorcycle

Fifty baby doll dress for my'I do"

It only take o hours to Nevada

I wear your sparkle

You call me your mama

Let me put on a show for you daddy

Let me put on a show

Let me put on a show for you tiger


Let me put on a show

I need you like

A baby when i hold you

Like a druggy

Like I told you

Yayo, yeah you


Put me onto your black motorcycle

Fifty baby doll dress for my'I do"

It only take o hours to Nevada

I wear your sparkle

You call me your mama

Let me put on a show for you daddy

Let me put on a show

Let me put on a show for you tiger


Let me put on a show

Hello Heaven

You are a tunnel lined with yellow lights

On a dark nite

(Dark night)


Yeah you


Put me onto your black motorcycle

Fifty baby doll dress for my'I do"

It only take o hours to Nevada

I wear your sparkle

You call me your mama

Let me put on a show for you daddy

Let me put on a show

Let me put on a show for you tiger

Let me put on a show


8. lana del rey west cost中文歌词

West Coast- Lana Del Rey西海岸 Down on the West Coast, they got a sayin'漫步于西海沿岸,那里流传着一句俗语:"If you're not drinkin', then you're not playin'"“若你不喝个酩酊大醉,就无法激起玩音乐的兴致。”

But you've got the music但即使你滴酒不沾 You've got the music in you, don't you?你亦能朝歌夜弦,日夜笙歌,永不停歇,不是吗? Down on the West Coast, I get this feeling like置身于西海沿岸,我预感到这一切都终将发生 It all could happen that's why I'm leaving you for the moment,You for the moment所以啊,迫于无奈的我不得不暂时离开你 Boy Blue, yeah you我的布鲁斯男孩 You're feelin' hot at the show, I'm feelin' hot to the touch你在音乐节上热血沸腾地弹奏,每一次触碰如同灼热烈火,我离开你愈发艰难 You say you'll miss me the most, I say I'll miss you so much你说我是你的挚爱,你将永远想念我。我们互诉衷肠,彼此想念。

Something keeps me real quiet, I'm alive I'm a-lush但有些事情却又不得不令我陷入沉默,我醉生而梦死 Your love, your love, your love犹豫不决,踌躇不前,难离难舍 I can see my baby swingin'我看见我的爱人堕入情欲之网中摇摇欲坠 His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up当他举起手时,他手中的百乐门香烟燃起星星之火 On the balcony and I'm singing我在阳台上放声歌唱 Ooh baby, Ooh baby, I'm in love噢,宝贝,噢,宝贝,我已坠入爱河 I can see my sweet boy swayin'我能明白为什么他会在爱河里难以自拔 He's crazy and Cubano call my only love蔚蓝海岸,云烟氤氲,海风拂面,吞烟吐雾,秀发飘散,醉酒当歌 On the balcony and I'm saying我们于阳台里共浴爱河,我说道 Move baby, move baby, I'm in love摇动吧,继续吧,我愿随你而去 I'm in love I'm in love我已沉醉其中 Down on the West Coast, they got their icons沉溺于西海沿岸,他们心中各怀圣像 Their silver starlets, their Queens of Saigon好莱坞里闪耀着银光的新生女星,他们心中唯一的圣贡女皇 But you've got the music,you've got the music in you, don't you?即使你心中毫无信仰,你的灵魂早已和音乐融为一体了,不是吗? Down on the West Coast, they love their movies情陷于西海沿岸,他们痴迷于老电影 Their golden gods and Rock n Roll groupies他们有金光耀耀的黄金神像和死忠于摇滚的狂迷 And you've got the music, you've got the music in you, don't you?然而你不被外物所扰,你未曾在歌迷中的鲜花与欢呼声中迷失自我,不是吗? You push it hard up all the way, I'm feeling hot and on fire你牵着我的手一路狂奔,我的心如烈火般熊熊燃烧 I guess that no one ever really made me feel I'm a child我猜从未有人像你那样令我像个孩童般无拘无束地疯闹,自由洒脱,放荡不羁。 Didn't say you gotta know, Boy, it's you I desire就算我不承认你也一定知道。

我只渴望拥有你 Your love, your love, your love你的肉身,你的灵魂,你的全部 I can see my baby swingin'我看见我的爱人堕入情欲之网中摇摇欲坠 His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up当他举起手时,他手中的百乐门香烟燃起星星之火 On the balcony and I'm singing我在阳台上放声歌唱 Ooh baby, Ooh baby, I'm in love我爱你,让我们一起携手共度难关 I can see my sweet boy swayin'我能明白为什么他会在爱河里难以自拔 He's crazy y Cubano o yo my love蔚蓝海岸,云烟氤氲,海风拂面,吞烟吐雾,秀发飘散,醉酒当歌 On the balcony and I'm saying我们于阳台里共浴爱河,我说道 Move baby, move baby, I'm in love摇动吧,继续吧,我愿随你而去 I can see my baby swingin'我已沉醉其中 His Parliament's on fire and his hands are up当他举起手时,他手中的百乐门香烟燃起星星之火 On the balcony and I'm singing我在阳台上放声歌唱 Ooh baby, Ooh baby, I'm in love我爱你,我们再也不要离开彼此 I can see my sweet boy swayin'我终于能明白为什么他会在爱河里难以自拔 He's crazy y Cubano o yo my love蔚蓝海岸,云烟氤氲,海风拂面,吞烟吐雾,秀发飘散,醉酒当歌 On the balcony and I'm saying我们于阳台里共浴爱河,我说道 Move baby, move baby, I'm in love摇动吧,继续吧,我愿随你而去 I'm in love I'm in love我深陷其中,难以自拔。

Dog goes woofCat goes meowBird goes tweetand mouse goes squeekCow goes mooFrog goes croakand the elephant goes tootDucks say quackand fish go bluband the seal goes ow ow owBut theres one soundThat no one knowsWhat does the fox say?Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!What the fox say?Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!What the fox say?Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho!Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho!Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho!What the fox say?Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff!Tchoff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff!Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff!What the fox say?Big blue eyesPointy noseChasing miceand digging holesTiny pawsUp the hillSuddenly you're standing stillYour fur is redSo beautifulLike an angel in disguiseBut if you meeta friendly horseWill you communicate bymo-o-o-o-orse?mo-o-o-o-orse?mo-o-o-o-orse?How will you speak to thatho-o-o-o-orse?ho-o-o-o-orse?ho-o-o-o-orse?What does the fox say?Jacha-chacha-chacha-chow!Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow!Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow!What the fox say?Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow!Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow!Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow!What the fox say?A-hee-ahee ha-hee!A-hee-ahee ha-hee!A-hee-ahee ha-hee!What the fox say?A-oo-oo-oo-ooo!Woo-oo-oo-ooo!What does the fox say?The secret of the foxAncient mysterySomewhere deep in the woodsI know you're hidingWhat is your sound?Will we ever know?Will always be a mysteryWhat do you say?You're my guardian angelHiding in the woodsWhat is your sound?Wa-wa-way-do Wub-wid-bid-dum-way-do Wa-wa-way-doWill we ever know?Bay-budabud-dum-bamI want toMama-dum-day-doI want toI want to know!Abay-ba-da bum-bum bay-do


下一篇:jade 歌词


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