i do的歌词翻译

时间:2024-09-22 01:08:07 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

I Do It For You都是为了你

Look into my eyes, you will see注视我的眼睛,你会看见

What you mean to me你对我的意义

Search your heart, search your soul审视内心,审视灵魂

And when you find me there当你发现我在那

You’ll search no more你不必再寻找

Don’t tell me,it’s not worth trying for不要告诉我,不值得付出

You can’t tell me. It’s not worth dying for你别告诉我,不值得企盼

You know it’s true你都知道

Everything I do, I do it for you我做的每件事,都是为了你

Look into your heart, you will find注视你的内心,你会发现

There’s nothing there to hide那没有什么可以隐藏

Take me as I am take my life接纳我如同我接纳我的生命

I would give it all,I would sacrifice我会全力以赴,我愿付出生命

Don’t tell me,it’s not worth fighting for不要告诉我,不值得奋斗

I can’t help it, it isnothing I want more我情不自禁,我别无所求

You know it’s true你都知道

Everything I do, I do it for you我做的每件事,都是为了你

Oh yeah There’s no love like your love Oh yeah没有爱,如你的爱

And no other could give more love没人能付出更多的爱

There’s nowhereunless you’re there一片荒芜,除非你在

All the time, all the way yeah...所有时间,所有地点

Look into your heart baby(music)注视你的内心,宝贝

Oh You can’t tell me It’s not worth trying for不要告诉我,不值得付出

I can’t help it, There’s nothing I want more我情不自禁,我别无所求

I would fight for you, I’d lie for you我愿为你而战,为你倒下

Walk the wire for you, I’d die for you为你赴汤蹈火,为你而死

You know it’s true你都知道

Everything I do, I do it for you我做的每件事,都是为了你


I was a fool我是个小傻瓜

I was young and confused我年少而迷茫

And I fell for you我爱上了你

You sang along to my favourite songs你和着我心水的歌曲轻轻唱

You were good, I do你无比美好,我知道

This love, love, love这份爱,爱,爱

It's just enough这就足够了

This love, love, love, love这份爱,爱,爱

You were a child, you were reckless and wild你也是懵懂少年,莽撞而狂野

Oh, how could I know?唉,我又如何得知?

We're black versus white我们泾渭分明

We do nothing but fight我们整日争吵

But how strong we've grown而我们就这样茁壮成长

This love, love, love这份爱,爱,爱

It's just enough这就足够了

This love, love, love, love这份爱,爱,爱

Lost and found, and found迷失又找回,又找回

Never meant to be, still we'll stick around并非命中注定,而我们仍纠缠在一起

For now, for now只顾当下,只顾当下


Lost and found, and found迷失又找回,又找回

We're the perfect fit, but we're inside out我们是天作之合,但是我们内外颠倒

In love, it's just enough还爱着,这就足够了

This love, love, love, love这份爱,爱,爱

Time to confess, it's as good as it gets该说实话了,我们渐入佳境

It'll have to do必须是这样

We'll just admit when we're calling it quits我们也要承认,也曾想过分手

When the others do当别人这么做时

This love, love, love这份爱,爱,爱

It's just enough这就足够了

This love, love, love, love这份爱,爱,爱

Lost and found, and found迷失又找回,又找回

Never meant to be, still we'll stick around并非命中注定,而我们仍纠缠在一起

For now, for now只顾当下,只顾当下


Lost and found, and found迷失又找回,又找回

We're the perfect fit, but we're inside out我们是天作之合,但是我们内外颠倒

In love, it's just enough还爱着,这就足够了

This love, love, love, love这份爱,爱,爱

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热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词