daddy dj歌词

时间:2024-09-22 12:37:53 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

Lately you have been asking me最近你问我

if all my words are true是否我所说的是真的

Don't you know I'll do anything for you难道你不知道我会为你做任何事

Sometimes I haven't been good to you有时我对你不好

Sometimes I've made you cry有时候我让你哭了

And I am sorry for everything我为所做的表示歉意

but I promise you girl但是我答应你我的女孩

I promise you this我答应你


When the blue night is over my face当蓝蓝的夜映在我脸上

on the dark side of the world in space在天空的黑暗处

When I'm all alone with the stars above当孤零零的我在星光下

you are the one I love你是我唯一的爱

So there's no need to worry girl没有什么好担心的我的女孩

My heart is sealed for you我的心为你保鲜

And no one's gonna take it away没人可以将它拿走

cos' I promise you girl我答应你我的女孩

I promise you this我答应你


When the blue night is over my face当蓝蓝的夜映在我脸上

on the dark side of the world in space在天空的黑暗处

When I'm all alone with the stars above当孤零零的我在星光下

you are the one I love你是我唯一的爱

Your voice is calling to me in my dreams你的声音在梦中召唤我

My love is stronger than it's ever been我的爱空前强烈

Daddy DJ, DJ爸爸,

please take me to the party请带我去派对

And let me dance along, until the lights are on让我一直跳舞,直到派对结束

You leave me once again home alone你又把我一个人留在家里

The fridge is full but my heart is achin'冰箱装装满满的,但我的心却很痛

You think I can make it on my own你认为我一个人可以的

Just a kiss and you are gone在走前只是吻了吻我

Another night like a million before这个晚上跟之前的好多晚一样

another party when I'm not invited有一个我不在邀请之列的派对

As always you'll heat the dancefloor跟往常一样,你会让舞池热火朝天

In front of your turntables going mad在你的电唱盘前疯狂舞动

Why don't you keep me close to you为什么把我推离你的身边呢

I'm not anymore the kid you knew我不再是你所认为的那个孩子了

Why should I stay deep in the blue为什么我要深陷在悲伤中呢

I wanna move my body too我也想扭扭身体跳跳舞

Daddy DJ, please take me to the party DJ爸爸,请带我去派对吧

And let me dance along, until the lights are on让我一直跳舞,直到派对结束

Daddy DJ, please take me to the party DJ爸爸,请带我去派对吧

And let the music play, until the break of day让我一直跳舞,直到派对结束

We've been aside since I meant to be如果我想要,我们会在一起

A part of you that was just awaking你身体的一部分刚刚醒来

My life with you is a fantasy有的在旁的生活美妙极了

I am your prince and you are my king我是你的王子,你是我的国王

You say your thing drives sometimes you insane你说有的事情让你变得神经兮兮

You think you're no good father and so you're ashamed你说你不是个好爸爸,因此你觉得很惭愧

But all I want is to share your pain但是我仅仅想做的是跟你一起承受你的痛苦

Clubbin' the night along and having fun晚上去跳舞,找找乐子

Why don't you keep me close to you为什么把我推离你的身边呢

I'm not anymore the kid you knew我不再是你所认为的那个孩子了

I wanna feel this part of you我想要感受那样的你

I wanna move my body too我也想要扭扭身体跳跳舞

上一篇:daddy cool歌词
下一篇:daddy finger歌词


热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词