
时间:2024-09-21 05:28:16 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

Yo, check it out, it's fucked up, cuz I don't see either one of us budging


I'm withholding my anger哟,检查出来,他妈的,因为我看不到我们任何一方改变主意[诗]我扣我的愤怒虽然我要扼杀者这个人模人样的有形的小猫咪的弱小的脖子这是我的权利要求他承认我的存在但他只是显示完全缺乏尊重这是他对自己说他使用了杂志的垃圾我他坐在他的办公桌脚抽烟袋除草并开始想象的事情他不能看到他患抑郁症在他的嫉妒和羡慕这只是他在疯狂旋转他打开电视,看到我的脸他已不存在在这个世界所以他只是曲折和他萦绕螺旋和旋转,直到他把自己变成了愤怒它摧毁他慢慢地因为他甚至不知道我尽管他看到我所到之处所以他只是折磨自己他没有钱和财富所以他敲诈别人得到钱现在,他就像一个恶霸所以他试着推拉我但他知道,他骗不了我,他疯了他没有选择但尖叫阿姆提高他的声音在我因为它让他知道我不会害怕[合唱]你不是不motha他妈的恶霸我不是他妈的没有motha欺负鞠躬我不允许它,不是懦夫没有(欺负)我是该死的如果我不忍受一(欺负)像男人一样去战斗,我的手掷到一个(欺负……)我知道它必须是你emotionall(你。)[诗]我现在不想让任何敌人没有更多的不幸有许多motha混蛋,只是他们一直在追捕我现在我用50突然,现在我有牛肉这捆好[笑声]但他的屁股是一个木偶通气可以把他的手上就让他说他要什么他说但shook-ass通气的一个字符串和欧文太紧张了这个人说什么他保持在海湾所以现在是认为他是如此艰难和谋杀的大坏狼他们去吞吐和打击我们的标签下但我们的建筑用砖所以你不能把狗屎我知道你只是一首波比棕色所以现在你想把赛车在你的脸和事与愿违因为你知道我们不玩,黑色和白色的狗屎加上,你这家伙性交当你是ecstasied起来只是一个男人装扮成一个白色婊子你必须考虑多(等。)[诗]目前最困扰我关于嘻哈是我们如此接近为了让我们重头来过大和爱国者我们刚刚失去果酱硕士论文大有炸飞了加上我们失去了错误,杀死了舌头,并任助教它就像一个无休止的循环这似乎只是回到原点大家一定要非常硬他妈的我不排除自己因为我是愚蠢的,以及我知道失去它时,有人说是聪明的但当我们成长为男人我们要学会让便去,但后来再次这里只有这么多废话,我们真的可以忍受我们都有代表支持当有人踩我的脚趾它也不例外,它的每一个人但如果欧文真的给一个他妈的关于他声称他是喜欢他会吵醒他,使他的儿子离开他们的药物但他一直喂他丸所以如果不杀他有人从另将我不是叫伙计,我要对你说的直如果局势恶化更糟,我们就会失去另一个士兵游戏如果我死了,这个说唱我有一百万现金说我会让你回去哈利的名字[合唱]尔湾,让你的男孩,(等。)让我,伙计呼啦.

Though I'd like to be the strangler

Of this punkass little pussy's puny neck

It's my right to insist

That he acknowledge my existence

But he just displays complete lack of respect

That's what he says to himself

As he uses magazines to trash me

As he sits with both feet up at his desk

Smokes a bag of his weed

And starts imagining things

And he just can't see that he's manically depressed

And in his jealousy and envy

It just whirls him in a frenzy

As he turns on MTV and sees my face

He don't exist in this world

So he just twists and he twirls

Spirals and spins till he hurls himself into rage

And it's destroying him slowly

Cuz he does not even know me

Even though he sees me everywhere he goes

So he just tortures himself

He has no fortune and wealth

So he extorts someone else to get his dough

And now he's acting like a bully

So he tries to push and pull me

But he knows that he can't fool me so he's mad

He has no choice but to scream


And raise his voice up at me

Cuz it annoys him to see that I ain't scared


You aint no motha fucking bully

And I aint bowing to no motha fucking bully

I won't allow it, aint no coward to no(bully)

I'll be damned if I don't stand up to a(bully)

Fight like a man and throw my hands up to a(bully...)

And I know it must be fuckin with you emotionall(y...)


Now I'm not trying to make no more enemies

No more unfortunately

There's so many motha fuckers that just are

They just keep hounding at me

Now that I'm down with 50

Suddenly now I got beef with this faggot Ja [laughter]

But his ass is such a puppet

Irv could shove his whole hand up it

And just make him say what he wants him to say

But shook-ass Irv's on a string

And Irv's so nervous that he

Says anything to this man to keep him at bay

So now Ja thinks that he's so tough

And Murder Inc.'s the big bad wolf

And they go huff and puff and blow our label down

But our building's made out of bricks

So you ain't taking out shit

I know you just did a song with Bobby Brown

So now you try to pull a race car

And it backfires in your face hard

Cuz you know we don't play that black and white shit

Plus this guy that you fucked

When you was ecstasied up

Was just a man who's dressed up as a white bitch

You must be taking to much(E...)


Now what bothers me the most

About hip-hop is we're so close

To picking up where we left off with Big and Pac

We just lost Jam Master J

Big L got blasted away

Plus we lost Bugs, Slayed Tongue, and Freaky Ta

It's like a never-ending cycle

That just seems to come full circle

Everybody's gotta be so fucking hard

I'm not excluding myself

Cuz I been stupid as well

I been known to lose it when someone says something smart

But as we grow as men

We learn to let shit go, but then again

There's only so much bullshit we can really stand

We all got reps to uphold

When someone steps on our toes

It's no exception, it goes for every man

But if Irv really gave a fuck

About Ja like he claims he does

He'd wake him up and make his boy get off them drugs

But he just keeps feeding him pills

So if that E doesn't kill him

Someone from G-Unit will and I ain't buzzed

Dawg, I'm talking to you straight

If the situation escalates

Any worse, we're gonna lose another soldier to this game

And if I get killed for this rap

I got a million in cash

That says I will get you back in Halie's name


Irvine, get your boy off that(E...)

Get at me, dawg


All that bullshit’s for the birds


You aint nothin but a vulture


Always hopin for the worst


Waiting for me to fuck up


You’ll regret the day when I find another girl’ yeah


Who knows just what I need’ she knows just what I mean


When I tell her keep it drama free


I told you that im leaving(deuces)


I know you mad but so what?


I wish you best of luck


And now im finna throw them deuces up


Im on some new shit


Im chuckin my deuces up to her(deuces)


Im moving on to something better’ better’ better


No more tryin to make it work


You made me wanna say bye bye’ say bye bye’ say bye bye to her


You made me wanna say bye bye’ say bye bye’ say bye bye to her


Uh’ Use to be valentines


Together all the time


Thought it was true love’ but you know women lie


Its like I sent my love with a text two times


Call cause I care but I aint get no reply


Tryna see eye to eye but its like we both blind


Fuck it lets hit the club’ i rarely sip but pour me some


Cause when its all said and done’


I aint gon be the one that she can always run to


I hate liars’ fuck love Im tired of tryin


My heart big but it beat quiet


I don’t never feel like we vibin


Cause every time we alone its a awkward silence


So leave your keys on the kitchen counter


And gimme back that ruby ring with the big diamond


Shit is over’ whatchu trippin for?


I don’t wanna have to let you go


But baby I think its better if I let you know


Im on some new shit


Im chuckin my deuces up to her(deuces)


Im moving on to something better’ better’ better


No more tryin to make it work


You made me wanna say bye bye’ say bye bye’ say bye bye to her


You made me wanna say bye bye’ say bye bye’ say bye bye to her


Look’ my shorty always on some bullshit like Chicago


So I flip that middle finger and the index finger follow


Deuces’ we aint got no future in tomorrow


I’m a dick’ so it shouldn’t be that hard to swallow


The other chick Im with never complain


She make wanna leave the one im with Usher Raymond

她想让我像Usher Raymod一样离开你

Probably didn’t register’ don’t trip’ later on it will


Shorty full of drama like gangsta grizzles


I finally noticed it’ it finally hit me


Like Tina did Ike in the limo’ it finally hit me


I got a new chick’ and she aint you


She paula patton thick She give me déjà vu

她像paula patton一样美,她是我上辈子修来的福分

And all that attitude’ I don’t care bout it


But all that shit I do for her’ you gon hear bout it


Breezy rep two up’ two down

Chris brown左右俩只手指,一对朝上,一对朝下

But im just puttin two up’ chuckin up the deuce now


上一篇:bullshit歌词 权志龙


热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词