
时间:2024-09-21 22:34:38 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

歌曲名:白梦の茧~Ricordando il passato~


专辑:白梦の茧~Ricordando il passato~

Oh anima effimera(啊,栖于欺骗深处)

che ti celi nel profondo dell'inganno,(脆弱的灵魂啊)

chi hai continuato ad aspettare nel bosco deserto?(你在那无人造访的森林中等待着谁到来呢?)

Privato di un'ala,(被夺去羽翼的小鸟)

l'uccellino ha chiuso gli occhi in silenzio.(静静闭上了眼睛)

La sofferenzaè svanita lontano;(苦痛远去)

ora l'uccellino non piange più.(没有人会再哭泣)

Una morbida nebbia d'argento(温柔的白银之雾)

avvolge teneramente ogni cosa.(轻轻地将一切环抱)

Riposa, riposa in pace.(睡吧睡吧静静地睡吧)

Nel racconto che ho scritto, puoi volare in libertà.(在我讲述的故事里你便可以自由飞翔)

Ecco il mio ultimo incantesimo,(为了不让你的光辉黯淡)

affinché la tua luce non conosca ombra.(我要施展最后的魔法)

Che lo splendido sogno dorato non venga infangato(为了不让真实所带来的悲伤)

dalla tristezza apportata dalla verità.(玷污了金色的美丽的梦)

La foresta della colpa,(侵蚀小鸟的)

che consumava l'uccellino,(罪恶森林)

siè disseccata in silenzio.(在沉默之中朽逝)

Petali caduti al vento avvolgono(风中飞舞的花瓣)

con dolcezza le guance pallide.(轻轻包围住苍白的脸)

Quel giorno, quanti misteri(若解开那日重重的秘密)

avrei dovuto risolvere per poterti portare via?(我便能将你救赎吗)

「白梦の茧~Ricordando il passato~」(白梦之茧~回忆过去~)





Riposa, riposa in pace.(睡吧睡吧静静地睡吧)

Nell'illusione che hai creato,(在你创造的幻想中)

ho conosciuto l'amore.(我看到了爱)

Non smetterò di pronunciare il tuo nome,(为了继承你的愿望)

per continuare a dare vita ai tuoi desideri.(我不停呼唤你的名字)

Che niente e nessuno ti trascini nelle tenebre dell'oblio.(为了不被忘却的黑暗夺走你)

Riposa, riposa in pace.(为了不被忘却的黑暗夺走你)

Dolce amore...... in pace.(可爱的人儿哟静静地安息)


Smells Like Teen Spirit少年意气Load up on guns and bring your friends.给枪上好堂并带上你的朋友It's fun to lose. And to pretend.失败和假装实在是可笑She's over bored. And self assured.她实在令人讨厌还自信非凡Oh no,I know A dirty word. Hello, hello, hello, how low哦。不,我知道一个肮脏的

词,Hello.....如此低等With the lights out it's less dangerous.灯火熄灭的时候一切都安全了Here we are now. Entertain us. I fell stupid and contagious.我们在这,自娱自乐,我感到愚蠢在传染蔓延Here we are now. Entertain us. A mulatto. An albino. A mosquito. My libido. Yeah.我们在这,自娱自乐,混血儿,白

化病人,蚊子,我的性欲,YeahI'm worse at what I do best.我一败涂地的做我最擅长的事And for this gift I fell blessed. Our little group has always been.为了这个礼物让我受到了祝福,我们的这个小乐队一直这样And always will until the end. Hello, hello, hello, how low并且一直会持续到结束,Hello.....如此低等And I forget, Just why I taste. Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile.我忘记了我为何尝试,哦,我猜想是它让我微笑

I found it hard. It was hard to find. Oh well, whatever, nevermind.我发现找到笑容是那么,那么的困难,好吧,无论如何,不要介意Hello, hello, hello, how lowHello.....如此低等Rape Me强间我Rape me, my friend强间我、我的朋友Rape me again再一次强间我I'm not the only one我不是唯一的Hate me憎恨我Do it and do it again.一次再一次的强间我Waste me让我衰弱Taste me, my friend.体验我,我的朋

友My favorite inside source我最爱的在我内心深处I'll kiss your open sores我将亲吻你裂开的痛楚Appreciate your conce感激你的关心You'll always stink and burn你将永远发出恶臭燃烧着Blew爆发If you wouldn't mind I would like to blew如果你不介意我想要爆发If you wouldn't mind I would like to lose如果你不介意我想要放弃If you wouldn't care I would like to leave如果你不在意我想要离开If you wouldn't mind I would like to breathe如果你不介意我想要呼吸Is there another reason for your stain你身上的瑕疵事怎么来的Could you believe who we knew stress or strain你能相信我们从谁身上得到了压力和负担Here is another word that rhymes with shame这是另一个带有耻辱的押韵词You could do anything你能做任何事Dumb哑的I'm not like them我不喜欢他们But I can pretend但我可以假装The sun is gone太阳离去But I have a light但是我有阳光The day is done白天过去了But I'm having fun但是我开心I think I'm dumb我认为我是哑的Or maybe just happy大概仅仅因为幸福Think I'm just happy认为我是仅仅幸福的My heart is broke我的心碎了

But I have some glue但是我有胶水Help me inhale帮我吸入And mend it with you并且用你来治愈我We'll float around我们将在这里飘荡And hang out on clouds然后在云彩里消失Then we'll come down然后我们将安静下来And have a hangover宿醉一夜Have a hangover宿醉一夜Skin the sun将太阳剥去皮Fall asleep再入睡Wish away我希望离开The soul is cheap因为灵魂太便宜Lesson learned学习功课

Wish me luck希望我好运Soothe the burn安抚燃烧的火焰Wake me up唤醒我I'm not like them我不喜欢他们But I can pretend但我可以假装The sun is gone太阳离去But I have a light但是我有阳光The day is done白天过去了But I'm having fun但是我开心

下一篇:bossy 歌词


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