born to be歌词

时间:2024-09-21 19:05:58 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

There's a dream in my soul我一直有一个梦想

A fire that deep inside me灵魂深处火焰在燃烧

There's a me no one knows那有一个无人知晓的自己

Waiting to be set free在等待着被释放

I am gonna see that day我将会看见那么一天

I can feel it我能感受到

I can taste it我能体味到

Change is coming my way我将会变化

I was born to be somebody我天生就与众不同

And nothing that ever gonna to stop me没有什么可以阻拦我

I light up the sky like lightning我如闪电一样点亮夜空

I gonna rise above我将会扶摇直上

Show them what I'm made of让他们知道我如何成为上位者

I was born to be somebody我注定是个王者

I was born to be天生就是

This world will belong to me所以这就是我的世界

This life can kick you around(woah)生活可以使你颠沛流离

This world can make you feel small(woah)世界可以让你觉得自己渺小

They will not keep me down(woah)但是他们不会一直让你处在谷底

I was born to stand up我天生就该身居高位

I'm gonna see that day我将会看到那一天

I can feel it我能感受到

I believe it我相信它

Im here我在此处

Im here to stay我在此处静立

I was born to be somebody我是天生的大人物

Aint nothin that ever gonna stop me没什么可以阻挠我

I light up the sky like lightening我犹如闪电一般点亮夜空

I gonna rise above我会扶摇直上

Show em what im made of让他们知道我的所作所为

I was born to be somebody我注定与众不同

I was born to be我注定是

And this world will belong to me所以我会拥有属于我自己的世界

Feel it感受到它

Believe it相信它

Dream it梦想它

Be it成为它

I was born to be somebody我注定与众不同

Aint nothing that ever gonna stop me没什么可以阻挠我

Ill light up the sky like lightning我犹如闪电一般点亮夜空

I gonna rise above我将会扶摇直上

Show em what I made of让他们知道我的所作所为

I was born to be somebody我是天生的上位者

I was born to be注定是

And this world will belong to me我会永远属于我的世界

Whoa oh

Whoa oh

And this world will belong to me我会拥有属于我的世界

Ye-ah ye-ah


And this world will belong to me我会拥有属于我的世界


In the day we sweat it out on the streets of a runaway American dream白天我们在街头汗流浃背为了疯狂的美国梦

At night we ride through mansions of glory in suicide machines夜晚我们开车从自我毁灭的机器中穿过壮丽的高楼大厦

Sprung from cages out on highway 9,逃出牢笼来到9号公路

Chrome wheeled, fuel injected装上铬合金的车轮,加满汽油

and steppin' out over the line穿越边界线

Baby this town rips the bones from your back宝贝这座城市从你的背后锯开你的骨头

It's a death trap, it's a suicide rap那是死亡的陷阱,自杀的判决

We gotta get out while we're young我们要逃出这里趁我们还年轻

'Cause tramps like us, baby we were born to run因为我们无家可归,宝贝我们生来就注定逃亡

Wendy let me in I wanna be your friend Webdy让我来到你身边我要做你的朋友

I want to guard your dreams and visions我要保卫你的梦想

Just wrap your legs'round these velvet ribs只要把你的双腿束到这些天鹅绒的汽缸

and strap your hands across my engines双手扣紧我的马达

Together we could break this trap我们一起冲破这个陷阱

We'll run till we drop, baby we'll never go back我们就跑着直到累垮,宝贝我们永远不回头

Will you walk with me out on the wire你会和我一起冒险出逃吗

'Cause baby I'm just a scared and lonely rider因为宝贝我只是个恐惧孤独的逃亡者

But I gotta find out how it feels但我要知道这是怎样的感觉

I want to know if love is wild我要知道是否爱已疯狂

babe I want to know if love is real宝贝我要知道爱是否真实

Beyond the Palace hemi-powered drones scream down the boulevard宫殿外无力的隆隆声在林荫道上响起

The girls comb their hair in rearview mirrors女孩子们正对着反光镜梳头

And the boys try to look so hard男孩子们想让自己看起来很强壮

The amusement park rises bold and stark游乐园使人显露勇气和真正的自己

Kids are huddled on the beach in a mist孩子们在薄雾中的海滩挤做一团

I wanna die with you Wendy on the streets tonight我要和你一起死去Wendy在街上今晚

In an everlasting kiss在永恒的长吻里

The highway's jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive公路上挤满虚弱的英雄这是最后一次机会

Everybody's out on the run tonight今晚每个人都跑了出来

but there's no place left to hide但没有地方可以躲藏

Together Wendy we can live with the sadness Wendy我们可以一起忍受悲伤

I'll love you with all the madness in my soul我会疯狂地爱着你

Someday girl I don't know when有一天女孩我不知道何时

we're gonna get to that place我们会到达那里

Where we really want to go到我们确实想去的地方

and we'll walk in the sun那时我们会在太阳下行走

But till then tramps like us, baby we were born to run(x3)但在那之前我们仍无家可归,宝贝我们生来就注定逃亡

上一篇:born the way歌词
下一篇:born to die 歌词


热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词