blood on 歌词

时间:2024-09-22 04:38:20 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

Blood On The Dance Floor赤色风暴

She got your number她知道你的底细

She know your game她知道你的把戏

She put you under她凌驾于你之上

It's so insane&真是疯狂

Since you seduced her你诱惑了她

How does it feel了解到了那个

To know that woman女人的杀机

Is out to kill你感觉怎样

Every night stance is like takin' a chance每天晚上都像在冒险

It's not about love and romance这决不是爱和浪漫

And now you're gonna get it不久你就会明白

Every hot man is out takin' a chance每个热情的男人都想冒险

It's not about love and romance但这决不是爱和浪漫

And now you do regret it现在你就要感到遗憾

To escape the world I've got to enjoy that simple dance远离尘嚣,我只想舞上几曲

And it seemed that everything was on my side万事看来都那么顺利

(Blood on my side)

She seemed sincere like it was love and true romance真诚的她看来会给我带来真爱和浪漫

And now she's out to get me现在她前来缠我

And I just can't take it我难以忍受

Just can't break it我不能喘息

Susie got your number苏茜知道你的底细

And Susie ain't your friend苏茜不是你的朋友

Look who took you under看看是谁凌驾于你之上

With seven inches in 7英寸插进身体

Blood is on the dance floor舞池里的赤色风暴

Blood is on the knife升腾着背叛的杀机

Susie's got your number苏茜知道你的底细

And Susie says it's right苏茜说这没错

She got your number她知道你的底细

How does it feel了解到这个陌生人

To know this stranger身藏杀机

Is out to kill你感觉怎样

he got your baby突然之间

It happened fast她有了你的骨肉

If you could only除非你能

Erase the past抹杀过往

Every night stance is like takin' a chance每天晚上都像在冒险

It's not about love and romance这决不是爱和浪漫

And now you're gonna get it不久你就会明白

Every hot man is out takin' a chance每个热情的男人都想冒险

It's not about love and romance但这决不是爱和浪漫

And now you do regret it现在你就要感到遗憾

To escape the world I've got to enjoy that simple dance远离尘嚣,我只想舞上几曲

And it seemed that everything was on my side万事看来都那么顺利

(Blood on my side)

She seemed sincere like it was love and true romance真诚的她看来会给我带来真爱和浪漫

And now she's out to get me现在她却烦缠着我

And I just can't take it我难以忍受

Just can't break it我不能喘息

Susie got your number苏茜知道你的底细

And Susie ain't your friend苏茜不是你的朋友

Look who took you under看看是谁凌驾于你之上

With seven inches in 7英寸插进身体

Blood is on the dance floor舞池里的赤色风暴

Blood is on the knife升腾着背叛的杀机

Susie's got your number苏茜知道你的底细

And Susie says it's right苏茜说这没错

True Blood真爱如血

[Verse 1]Red was the color of her eyes猩红之色来自她的双瞳She put me in a meditation state她的芳华令我沉醉心动The skin is white so white白皙胜雪是她倾城姿容The night will have no expiration date夜晚陷入绵长无尽之中Black is the color of the night墨黑色笼罩此夜无处可逃And it's time for me get her body waste令她染指人世的良宵已到There's just something'bout the demon that she brings out of me她让我灵魂深处的阴暗出窍When we raise hell I can't stay away每当炼狱随着情欲之火升腾,我只觉力薄抵抗不了Aw, give it to me now请赐我内心所想所要Something just got you fiendin'一旦她能如愿拥有唤灵之法Once she starts to evoke the spirit便能将你变为魔鬼,如此潜移默化It comes at night when you're a dreaming就在夜深梦甜时,你的灵魂已被绑架[Hook]I think she's got that true blood她躯体里的血液炽热滚烫Every time your'round每当伊人在旁I can smell it in you都能不偏不倚嗅到芳香She's got that true blood她的血液炽热滚烫I come around and raise the hell out of you我踱步向你唤起你心头的邪恶渴望It's that demon in me that's got me screaming体内的邪魔令我不能自持想要放声尖叫Make me wanna build a coffin for two想要与伊人长眠地底不受打扰She's got that true blood她的血液炽热滚烫But baby I just do it for the thrill out of you我得所作只为让她兴奋狂妄[Verse 2]Now I feel my fever on the rise此刻我的狂热飞升And the bones in my body start to quake为她震颤之感浸透骨髓Straight up from my tongue and my mind惊诧表露无疑,心口如一She controls me when I don't want to escape她将我控制,我不愿逃离All the ones gotta try众生芸芸皆需亲试爱情But they have been here by no mistake无丝毫错误,命定如斯But she got a bite of my type她的光彩正中我得靶心She told me that she find the perfect way她已然寻得蹊径与我比翼[Hook]Her pheromones invaded my sensesI saw her silhouette她悄然蚕食侵入我的心灵,我瞥见了她的华丽剪影Your perfection, I'm mad I don't wanna leave伊人的完美无缺令我癫狂,何忍离去Those girls wanna burn with me but they don't hold a candle纵然他人欲与我缠绵悱恻,我却为她不屑一顾[Hook]

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