believe me歌词

时间:2024-09-21 19:05:38 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

Now I'm off to see the wizard现在我出发了

He who hold the key我要去见那个拥有钥匙的武士

To give me answers to the questions I need他会给我我要的问题的答案

He told me that I wasn't happy about the way of my world他告诉我说我现在生活的并不快乐

And I had to tend to say I agree我倾向于认同这观点

Then he told me that you got to change your state of mind然后他说你要改变你的心境

You got to start at the beginning leave all behind你必须把一切抛开从头开始

Take a new direction换一个新的发展方向

Believe in your decision相信你的决定

And take it to the top and no one's gonna stop me然后发展到极致,别让任何人阻拦你

*I feel a chill when it rain rain rains雨不断的下,我觉得有些寒意

And I just won't let it get to me但我不会让这感觉击倒我

I shake me head and go my my my我摇了摇头,然后自己走了下去

See my face and know what I mean你看到我的表情就会知道我的意思

Make some sense out of this whole mess我必须从这一团乱麻的生活中抽身而出

And I couldn't careless if it kills me而且我得小心,否则我会被带入绝境

Give me room to express myself给我一点展示自我的空间

Just as long as I believe in me我一直这样相信着自己

A pocket full of wishes and a world of dreams怀揣梦想,幻想着世界多么美好

And I never seem to be complete看来我一直是不完美的

I thought a woman could be all the angles for me我想如果有一个女人来做我的天使也许一切都会很好

But it turn out to be all deceit但结果却是一场彻底的欺诈

And you'll never never know for sure当然了你永远不会知道

If people ever mean what they say人们心里想的是否就是他们嘴上所说的

When taking the chances you just have to realize机会来到时你就必须抓住

Life is a gamble if you're doing it in your way生命就是赌博,如果你真的要按你自己的方式过下去

*I feel a chill when it rain rain rains雨不断的下,我觉得有些寒意

And I just won't let it get to me但我不会让这感觉击倒我

I shake me head and go my my my我摇了摇头,然后自己走了下去

See my face and know what I mean你看到我的表情就会知道我的意思

Make some sense out of this whole mess我必须从这一团乱麻的生活中抽身而出

And I couldn't careless if it kills me而且我得小心,否则我会被带入绝境

Give me room to express myself给我一点展示自我的空间

Just as long as I believe in me我一直这样相信着自己

Now I got a hold of my life and I found a real love现在我大概找到了人生的支点,也获得了真爱

And I'm counting all the blessings I've got我要清点我所得到的保佑

All my dreams put into motion我的梦想也都变成了行动

And I'm about to take flight我马上就可以起飞

Disregarding all the negative thoughts不去理会那些消极的念头

Oh I'm feeling kinda good about my future thank哦我对未来将要发表的感言充满了愉快与信心

Now I'm just beginning to see现在我刚刚开始清理

I took a new direction我选择了一个新的道路

Spin in to perfection并努力做到臻于完美

I took it to the top and nothing's gonna stop me我达到了最高点,没有人会再拦着我

*I feel a chill when it rain rain rains雨不断的下,我觉得有些寒意

And I just won't let it get to me但我不会让这感觉击倒我

I shake me head and go my my my我摇了摇头,然后自己走了下去

See my face and know what I mean你看到我的表情就会知道我的意思

Make some sense out of this whole mess我必须从这一团乱麻的生活中抽身而出

And I couldn't careless if it kills me而且我得小心,否则我会被带入绝境

Give me room to express myself给我一点展示自我的空间

Just as long as I believe in me我一直这样相信着自己

*I feel a chill when it rain rain rains雨不断的下,我觉得有些寒意

I shake me head and go my my my我摇了摇头,然后自己走了下去

Make some sense out of this whole mess我必须从这一团乱麻的生活中抽身而出

Give me room to express myself给我一点展示自我的空间


歌曲名:Believe Me

歌手:Linkin Park

专辑:Splitting The Dna(Dics2)

Linkin Park- Believe Me


I guess我想

That this is where we've come to我们(的关系)就到这儿了

If you don't want to如果你不想

Then you don't have to believe me那么你也不用非得相信我(的话)

But I won't be there when you go down但是当你平静下来的时候我不会出现

Just so you know now所以你知道

You're on your own now believe me现在只剩下你自己相信我


I don't want to be the one to blame我不想成为背责备的人

You like fun and games你喜欢玩玩

Keep playing em那么继续

I'm just sayin我只是说

Think back then回想起来

We was like one and the same我们就像同一个人

On the right track在正确的轨道上

But I was on the wrong train我却上错了火车

Just like that就是这样

Now you've gotta face the pain现在你只能面对痛苦

And the devil's got a fresh new place to play内心的恶魔把你玩弄

In your brain like a maze you can never escape the rain在你的脑中就像迷宫无法逃脱的雨雾

Every damn day is the same shade of grey每个糟糕的一天都是同样的灰暗



I used to have a little bit of a plan以前我老是有一点小小的规划

Used to老是

Have a concept of where I stand设想我会扮演的角色

But that concept slipped right out of my hands但是那个想法从我脑海消失

Now I don't really even know who I am现在我甚至不知道自己是谁

Yo, what do I have to say我还能说什么

Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free也许我应该做的,就是结束这种关系

What ever happens to you, we'll see(以后)无论在你身上发生什么事你我都会明白

But it's not gonna happen with me(从此)将与我无关


I guess我想

That this is where we've come to我们(的关系)就到这儿了

If you don't want to如果你不想

Then you don't have to believe me那么你也不用非得相信我(的话)

But I won't be there when you go down但是当你平静下来的时候我不会出现

Just so you know now所以你知道

You're on your own now believe me现在只剩下你自己相信我


Back then, I thought you were just like me那时我以为你就像我

Somebody who could see all the pain I see能够看清我内心的痛楚

But you proved to me unintentionally但是无意间你向我证实

That you would self-destruct eventually最终要自我放弃(感情)

Now I'm faking like the mistake I made doesn't hurt现在我假装(自己)不会受到伤害

But it's not gonna work但是没有用

Cause it's really much worse than I thought因为事实远比我想象的还要糟

I wished you were something that you were not我希望你不是那样的人

And now this guilt is really all that I got现在我内心充满了悔恨


You turned your back你转过身去

And walked away in shame带着羞愧离开

All you got is a memory of pain留下的都是痛苦的回忆

Nothing makes sense so you stare at the ground一切都毫无意义所以你注视着地面

And hear my voice in your head when no one's around当四周无人时我的声音在你脑中响起

So what do I have to say我还能说什么

Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free也许我应该做的,就是结束这种关系

What ever happens to you, we'll see(以后)无论在你身上发生什么事你我都会明白

But it's not gonna happen with me(从此)将与我无关


I guess我想

That this is where we've come to我们(的关系)就到这儿了

If you don't want to如果你不想

Then you don't have to believe me那么你也不用非得相信我(的话)

But I won't be there when you go down但是当你平静下来的时候我不会出现

Just so you know now所以你知道

You're on your own now believe me现在只剩下你自己相信我

BoBo Solo


I guess我想

That this is where we've come to我们(的关系)就到这儿了

If you don't want to如果你不想

Then you don't have to believe me那么你也不用非得相信我(的话)

But I won't be there when you go down但是当你平静下来的时候我不会出现

Just so you know now所以你知道

You're on your own now believe me现在只剩下你自己相信我

I'll do what i have to do我要做我必须做的

You're on your own now believe me现在只剩下你自己相信我

What ever happens to you在你身上发生了什么

You're on your own now believe me现在只剩下你自己相信我

What do I have to say我还能说什么

You're on your own now believe me现在只剩下你自己相信我

It's not gonna happen with me(从此)将与我无关

You're on your own now believe me现在只剩下你自己相信我

上一篇:believe me中文歌词
下一篇:believe 中文歌词


热门排行: 好一点的原唱歌词