植树造林(Planting trees)-环境教学课题

时间:2024-09-20 07:21:08 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

植树造林课题: 植树 年级: 初中三年级第二学期第十八单元 目的: 1. 让学生认识森林的用途;2. 了解植树造林的意义,破坏森林的后果;3. 培养他们积极种树,爱护树木的意识;4. 培养学生分析、综合及解决问题的能力。 工具: 中国地图, 有关森林和实物的一些照片 the great green wall is 7,000 kilometres long, and between 400 and 1,700 kilometres wide. the great green wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away. it will stop the sand from moving towards the rich famland in the south. it has alrea♂dy saved a lot of land. but more great green walls are still needed, and not only in china. they must be built all over the world.notes: for activity 1, students are asked to do in the followin☑g steps: 1. make sure th▼at the students understand the meaning of the activity, and give some words or expressions possibly mentioned in the acitivity. 2. ask the ss to list at least six reasons why the trees are cut down. they should do this activity individually. 3. each student asks the other three different students for their reasons. 4. if there are any differe☿nt reasons and you agree, add these reasons to the picture. 5. if you dont agree these different reasons ,have a discussion with them. 6. write a short passage with the list of the reasons to show why the trees are cut down. activity 2 is a discussion activity. the students are asked to do this activity in a competitive way. step 1: divide the class into groups of four. step 2: discuss the topic. the teacher gives any necessary help . step 3: each group reports their discussion to the class. step 4: the group who get the most answers win the game. hints: what forest can do? 1. help to grow desert. 2. save farmland. 3. change weather. 4. provide home for animals. 5. stop wind from blowing away the earth. 6. make foodป for human. 7. increase pollution . 8. help to solve the population problem. 9. hold water in the soil 10. make wood for human. 11. add oxygen to the air and increase air pollutants 12. make the noise louder 13. provide paper products

热门排行: 教你如何写建议书