
时间:2025-01-13 06:40:47 来源:作文网 作者:管理员



论文关键词:农民 民工 阶层 平等 差别对待 权利保护 Abstract:At present in our country, the peasants and peasant workers, as a class, have been treated differently from urban residents in a lot of fields of politics, economy and culture. Either at the point of Marx's theory about inherent restriction and external restriction on freedom or taking the functional theory's stand that argues for the role of division of social class, these different treatments are unreasonable and impeditive for social progress as ฅsuperstructures, so they have formed legal inequality. Seeing from the angle of realistic experience, on the other hand, these different treatments have caused a series of social drawbacks with far-reaching damages, such as having ฌrestricted the all-round development of the peasants and their children, destroyed the trust and cooperation in society, imperiled the harmony and stabilization of the society and so on. These drawbacks have also proved from the reverse side th⌚at social equality and justness are significant and revealed that it is necessary and urgent to equally protect the peasants and peasant workers' all rights and interests. Key words:Peasants;Peasant workers;Equality;Difference treatment;Rights protection.

一、问题的提出 平等是我们每一个人的愿望,是现代法律所中介的基本价值,在我国当前,平等也是法制现代化的核心内容之一。然ก而,无论是古代社会,还是"文明的"现代社会,都程度不同地存在着不平等现象,它们或者是公开宣称并制度化了的不平等,或者是在形式平等掩盖下的实质不平等。

对于这些不平等现象,它们是以何种具体形式表现出来的?它们得以产生的根源是什么?如何评价它们?这些问题为古往今来许多思想家所苦苦思索,也是我们当前建设社会主义法治国家需要探讨的。 当前,我国的农民问题十分严峻,这个问题的每一个动向都受到高层领导和学者们的密切关注。




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