
时间:2025-01-13 20:22:40 来源:作文网 作者:管理员


摘 要

我国的古筝艺术历来就有流派之分,潮州筝乐,高雅古朴,优美缠绵,历来被视为我国南派筝的代表。潮州筝发源于秦晋,成形于隋唐 ツ,在明清时期达到鼎盛,它深植于潮州音乐的丰沃土壤,与传统保持着深厚渊源。潮州筝乐其独特的24谱、按弦转调以及特有的演奏技法,都自成1格,堪称绝技。在保留下来的众多曲目中,《柳青娘》、《粉红莲》、《寒鸦戏水》等都是筝曲中的精品。潮州筝乐流派代表人物们德艺双馨,不仅在筝艺上受人景仰,且在潮州筝乐的师承整理、演奏创新和推广教育上多有建树。这些都使得潮州筝乐这丛古老而年轻的音乐奇葩在今天依旧容貌瑰丽,而且日趋繁荣。




My art has always had schools of the guzheng hours Chaozhou zheng music, elegant atmosphere, the beautiful tangleฆd up, has always been regarded as our South zheng send representatives. Chaozhou zheng originated Qin Jin Dynasty, taking in Sui and Tang dynasties, the Ming period in achieving energetic, and it embedded in Chaozhou music Feng Ambassador soil, maintaining close ties with traditional. Chaozhou zheng music its unique 24 spectral, Anxian transfer and unique playing technique, sui generis, and his skills. In retained many pieces, "exhibition mother", "Pink Lotus", "Dancing Water" is the song zheng fine. Chaozhou zheng music schools representative who Deyishuangxin, not only in zheng Arts respectful of the people, and two under the tutelage of the sort in Chaozhou zheng music, music education, innovation and the promotion of more productive. These have contributed to ☁this collection of ancient Chaozhou zheng music degree in music and young persons today still look, but increasing prosperity.

The ban on the Chaozhou zheng music made to explore and analysis, looking back to the culprit, exploring folk music formed lines, displaying as "China is of" unique charm, and the hope for love and learners as a reference to attract more attention to the warm, thus promoting the Chaozhou zheng music harmony and orderly development.

Key words: Chaozhou zheng music; 24 spectral; Wave music tune; Water Water; Performance techniques

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