摘 要
本文归纳研究了第1型曲线积分与曲面积分的物理背景,定义,性质及计算方法,并在此基础上给出了它们 ت在特殊坐标变换下的计算公式及证明。并且利用这个公式,推导出了当第1型曲线积分或曲面积分的被积函数为奇函数或偶函数,积分曲线或曲面是对称的时的几个重要的推论及证明。
Some questions about curve integral and surface integral of the first kind
In this article we induce and study the physical background ,definition, quality ,a❥nd calculating method of the curve and surface integral of the first kind ,and at the base of these , calculate formula and providence was proposed in the special coordinate transformation. Using this formula ,we get several important inference and prove that when the curve and surface integral☏ of the first kind’s integrand is odd function or even function and the integral curve or surface is symmetry.
Key word: Curve ☿integral and surface integral of the first kind; coordinate transformation; odevity; symmetry