
时间:2024-09-23 17:17:32 来源:作文网 作者:管理员


摘 要






At present, the result of the curriculum standard reform has caused the reorgnization of social educational circles. Among them, the most affected❥ change is the relationshi®p among the student, the teacher, and the superintendent. And teacher is the core. With the popularization of the extra-curricular piano education, the society urgently needs qulified and employable piano teacher. The students graduated from the music depatment of normal colleges or universities will face this important teaching duty. In this specialized discipline of piano education curriculum reform, whether can let teacher later in the high piano teaching accurately understand the new curriculum, accept the new curriculum, contribute into this new curriculum warmly, implement the new curriculum positively, dec☣iding in a certain degree decide the success or fail of the music curriculum reform and the education. The paper will unifing the new curriculum standard, utฟilizing the method of analyse, observation and literature index, depending on the basic theory of the new curriculum standard, the paper will elabarete and research for piano teaching under the new curriculum standard. and propose the personal opinion.

Key words: New curriculum standard; High piano teaching; think

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