
时间:2024-09-20 10:32:04 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

【内容摘要】 由于在纠纷解决方面所表现出来的简便、经济、快捷、专业型及保密性强等优点,代替性纠纷解决机制——ADR逐渐成为许多国家和地区解决民事纠纷的一大趋势。我国现行医疗纠纷解决机制存在着较多的问题,有待于进一步的改革与完善。


这四种纠纷解决方式各具特点,适用于不同情况下医疗纠纷的解决。【关 键 词】 医疗纠纷 医疗事故 医疗责任保险 代替性纠纷解决机制 The ADR(Alternativ¿e Dispute Resolution)of Medical DisputeZhang HaibinAbstract: ADR(Alternative Dispute Resolution)has became the tendency of civil dispute resolution in many countries for its convenience, economy, quickness, high specialization and strict confidentiality, etc. There are still some problems in our current medical dispute resolution system which needs to be reformed and perfected. In♡ face of the current situation, we should realize that it is a good way by using ADR in medical dispute resolution. The ADR of med▼ical dispute mainly includes arbitration, mediation, negotiation and administrative ruling. All t℃he four kinds are suitable to the resoluΣtion of different medical disputes for their characteristics. Key Words: Medical dispute Medical malpractice Medical liability insurance ADR近年来,由于公民权利意识的增强等原因,医疗纠纷呈逐年上升的趋势。




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