
时间:2025-01-13 21:10:45 来源:作文网 作者:管理员


内容提要:本文重点论述了2胡演奏中弓的力度与速度的影响因素及需要注意的1些问题。力度与 速度是相辅相成的,是1个统1体。动弓就必定会有力度与速度的讲究,先从力度入手再浅谈速度,最后两者的结合是本文的1个基本思路。

关 键 词: 力度 速度

Abstract:This text point discusses the ErHu to give musical performance some problem that the strength of the medium bow and the❦ influence factor and demand of the speeds notice.Move the bow necessarily would thลe emollient de⌛gree and speeds pay attention to, commencing from thღe strength first again shallow talk the speed, it is textual basic way of thinking that both combine finally.

Key words: Strength Speed


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