【摘 要】《送元二使安西》是我国经典的唐诗作品。从接受美学角度,作者对四篇不同的英文翻译文本进行了分析。虽然,四篇译文都是佳品,但是从认知语境建立的角度分析,作者认为许渊冲的翻译更容易被目的语读者所接受。
译文 1:TO My Friend Going to the Frontier/The Morning rain has kept the town’s roads clean/And here,dear friend,dry up this other cup/Why,West of Sun pass none will cheer you up.(Tr.王宝童)
译文 2:Seeing a Friend off to the West/The morning rain has settled the dust/The tavern looks fresh and willows are green/Now please take one more cup of liguor/West of the Yang Pass * no friend will be seen.
* The Yang P℉ass is in Gansu Province,in northwest China.(Tr.丰华瞻)
译文 3:Bidding Adieu to Yuan Junior in His Mission to Anxi
(Song of the Town of Wei)/The fall of morning drops in this Town of Wei/Its dust light doth moisten,/Tenderly green are the new willow sprouts/Of this spring adorned tavern.I pray thee to quench once more full to the brim/This farewell cup of wine,/For after thy departure from this western most pass,/Thou w♋ill have no old friend of mine.(Tr.孙大雨)
译文 4:A F♪arewell Song/No dust is raised on pathways wet with morning rain,/The willows by the tavern look so fresh and green./I invite you to drink a cup of wine again,/West of the ❤southern Pass no more friend w ill be seen.(Tr.许渊冲)