
时间:2025-01-13 06:50:03 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

°[摘要] 近几年,我国职工的收入水平大幅度提高,但是由于各个行业的情况不同,不同行业职工收入水平的提高幅度不一样,导致了不同行业职工的收入出现显著差异。参考中国的经验数据,采用面板数据的方法构建了行业收入差距模型,结果发现:导致我国行业收入差距的重要因素之一是行业垄断;同时,行业间人力资本水平的差异对收入差异的影响也较为显著,而劳动者的收入更多地取决于其行业的特点而非劳动生产率。

[关键词] 行业收入差距;教育;劳动生产率;行业垄断

Abstract:Recently, employees’ income has been increasing substantially in our country. However, as the industry situation is different, employees’ income from different industries has risen divergently, which generates distince differences.We also frame the model of the income gap of our industry by using data from the China Statistical Yearbook and the method of Econometric Panel Data. The main conclusions of this study show: industry monopoly has become an important factor which impacts the industry income gap in China; diffϟerences in the level ❧of human capital of industries exert a more significant impact on the industry income gap; income of workers depends more on the characteristics of จthe industry rather than labor productivity.

Key words: interindustry income คgap; education; labor productivity; monopoly of the industry

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