[摘要] 中学音乐欣赏课是培养学生审美能力的主要课程。它能够帮助学生树立正确的审美观,养成健康向上的审美情趣,并Ⓐ能起到启♋迪智慧、净化心灵、陶冶情操等作用。
[关键词] 中学 音乐欣赏 审美教育
[Abstract] Middle school music appreciate lesson to train main course , student of estheticism. I®t can help students to establish the correct aesthetic conceptions , forms the healthy a♡nd progressive aesthetic temperament and interest, and can play and inspire intelligence to purify soul on function of cultivating ones taste etc. . But our country present middle school music appreciate teaching, aesthetic to educate and has n❤ot well reflected to the classroom instruction , this deviate from music education take this basic idea " so as to the music is aesthetic for the core " seriously. To current situation, I appreciate to middle school music teaching cultivation issue , middle school student of estheticism make some beneficial discussions.
[Key words] The middle school Music appreciation Educate aesthetically