
时间:2024-09-20 20:47:50 来源:作文网 作者:管理员


摘 要

在经济全球化的年代, 大众文化,即1种娱乐文化、商业文化的力量正在成为新的文化因素,它随着经济全球化的潮流变成某种全球性的共同的生活方式。而大众音乐文化作为大众文化的1个重要支流,在高科技时代大众传播媒体的推波助澜下,已成为了社会高峰型和支配型的文化。





Age in economic globalization, the publics culture, namely♂ a kind of amusement culture? The power of the business culture is becoming the new cultural factor, it becomes a certain and global and common life style along with the current of the economic globalization. But the public music culture be an important subsidiary current of the publics culture, pushing the wave t®o help the in the high-tech ages mass media under, had become the social high peak type and control the culture of the type. Chinese people the joy also becomes a newly arisen chemical element usage and each realm of musical the publics. Such as movie, television music, the network game background music with new people joy etc..But market economy under of art is a kind of special merchandise, the advantage of the market economy to the economic support that the artist brings to be engaged in the reproduction, promoted art prosper, but it is behind sex with its blemish, may make the artist tranวsmute into the businessman to employ again, beg the development in clip sew is a tough problem. The race instrumental music is in the development road of the aftertime, shou。ld the continuous coordination and improvements inherit with the creative relation, and the thorough understanding definitely reaches agreement the market economy cultural market in the people enjoys some problem of the creations.

Keywords:The peoples joy; The publics music; The publics culture; Marღket

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