工程类个人简历范文 个人基本简历
姓名: 覃xx先生
国籍: 中国
目前住地: 广州 民族: 汉族
户 籍 地: 广西 身高体重: 173 cm?63 kg
婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 29 岁
人才类型: 普通求职?
应聘职位: 生物化工/制药工程:质量管理及生产管理 、 轻工类: 、 生物工程类:
工作年限: 5 职称: 初级
求职类型: 均可 可到职日期: 一个月
月薪要求: 面议 希望工作地区: 广州 广东省 浙江
工作经历: 2001.7-2002.11 广州南沙经济开发区南沙科学展览馆 设计师
2003.1-2005年2月 瑞福祥(广西)药业有限公司 主管
2005年3月至今 南方李锦记有限公司 质控工程师
毕业院校: 天津科技大学(原名:天津轻工业学院)
最高学历: 本科 毕业日期: 2001-06-01
所学专业: 生物化学工程 第二专业: 生物发酵
培训经历: 2001年9月 天津轻工业学院 生物化工 毕业证、学位证
2002.9月 初级专业技术证书
2006年.4月 执业药师资格证书
外语: 英语 良好
国语水平: 精通 粤语水平: 精通
2001.7-2002.11 广州南沙经济开发区南沙科学展览馆
从事展品设计工作,通过人与物互动方式来表达生物和化学科 普知识。本人所设计的展品包括有无土栽培、一针见血、盐类的溶解、肥皂画、水中花园等。通过游戏把科普知识溶入到当中,让观众更易于接受。
2003.1-2005年2月 瑞福祥(广西)药业有限公司
2005年3月至今 南方李锦记有限公司
English Resume: Name: QINKINE Gender: MALE
Date of Birth: 1978/08/05 Residency: GUANGXI
Work Experience: 5years
Current Salary: 40,000RMB/Year
Home Tel:
Self Assessment
A good work experience of chemical lab and quality management in pharmacy and food industry. Good QMS auditing experience, preferably ISO9001, GMP and TGA; farmiliar with BRC control system.I work actively, positive, zealing, and diligent in studying. Have good cooperation spirit of group and good communication skill. Although I know Im not the best, I would work hardly to become better.
Work Experience
2005/03present: NAN FANG LEE KUM KEE CO.LTD
Industry: Pharmaceutical produce and quality: QA
NAN FANG LEE KUM KEE CO.LTD, a HongKong overseas-funded enterprise. I respone to take charge the tablet line quality contorl and tablet process technics validation. Dayly work,quickly respone when quality mattrs occur. During last year, I opitmize the tablet proccse flow, raising the product efficiency over 30%, and production quailty ½more stably.
Industry: Pharmaceutical produce a✪nd quality: QC and QA
RUI FU XIANG PHARMACEUTICAL CO.(GUANGXI) LTD,an American overseas-funded enterprise. I took on QC position in lab, 2003. I responsibled for testing and analysis sample, mai♡nly items, including: the microbiological assay, the thin layer chromatogram and liquid chromatographyanalysis. In 2004, adjusting my position, I took on QA work. My duty is to ensure the produce process to keep upon to GMP regulations. I ckecked the system documents , cancel or amend that err files. In this year, jion in technic team and optimize the wine, tablet ,troche and pill processing flow. During technics validation, I take independently charge the tablet line optomization work.
2001/07-- 2002/11:NANSHA SCIENCE MUSEUM
Industry: Education/Training design : designer
NANSHA SCIENCE MUSEUM. My job is mainly responsble to design a exhibit, which can express some simple biology or physics knowledge, and teach visitors to play those exhibits. That means the exhibit is a toy, visiters play the toy like play a funny game. It make players intersting to improve themselves knowledge .
1997.09-2001.06 Tianjin ScienceTechnique University Biomedical engineer Bachelor
major biochemistry, microbiolody, microorganism measuring, biochemical industry engineering, lab analysis and food processing technology. Study control fermenting and opimze process parameters by analysingl chemcal contents.