
时间:2024-09-20 12:39:45 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

演员: p: pirate-grandson. m: mother.

f: father. k: king -grandpa.

旁白: there are 4 members in a family, pirate, a 7-year-old naughty boy. his mummy is a beautiful white✯-collar worker. his dad, andy lau is a famous singer, and his dear grandpa, king is a kindly old man. pirate loves his grandpa most, because king is very spoiling him. he hates his parents. frankly speaking, he is afraid of them, because they are very strict with him. .


p: old king, open the tv, i want to see tom and jerry. i love that mouse. quick! no time! i can’t wait another second.

k: oh dear! i nearly forget it. don’t worry, i open it right now.

p: ha ha! it’s really funny! tom is so good!

oh no! “the end!” where is tom? i hate the end! old king!?

k:oh, what a pity dog! your parents are not here ,and we can change another one ,our brave pirate, just tell me. i’m sure your demand will be satisfied.

p:really! ok! now, let’s watch caribbean pirates!

k: humm, no, it’s unfit for you……

p: i just like this film, old king, you tell lies. you don’t keep your promise.(作气愤欲泣状)

k; oh yes, i play it for you. but please be quite, i’m afraid your parents wound not like us doing these.

p: don’t tell so much! i have been an adult man of 7 years old. i promise it to you.


p: fight him, kill him. throw these bad guys into the sea……

k: xu …….. . remember your promise, young adult man.

p: oh? what promise? i have forgotten it.

k: oh?! you are right(作理解状,因为pirate一贯如此,出尔反尔)

p: old king. i give you an honorable mission. be my horse, ❥and i will ride on your back , let’s help these people in dangerous situation, just like a brave knight.

k: what! r©ide on my back! be your horse!!

p: yes, your hearing is very good, any question?

k: no, no, sound a good idea! very good! you are a brave pirate. now come on my back.

p: hei! let’s go! kill all those bad men. quick! run quick! .......


p: oh, my god! mummy, daddy!

m: dad, what are you doing!? naughty pirate, isn’t your trick!?

p:(作阳痿状) mummy, it’s not my fault. old king let me massage his back. hei hei

m: i don’t believe it. dad, isn’t really that?

k: yes, of course, i can’t image a child only 5 year old, can massage so good. oh…….

m: really. i don’t believe the litter pirate can massage, who taught him. dear, isn’t you ?

f: no, i haven’t, but i decide to enjoy his massage another day, do you think so, dear?

m: yes, really a good suggestion.



p: mummy, do you feel a little cold?

k: yes, i can feel it.

m: no, it’s summer. really hot, do you catch cold?

p: no, no, just my feeling.

m: pirate, what’s behind you?

p: oh, nothing, nothing!

m: move away .little pirate!

p: oh no! the storm will come.

m: caribbean pirate! what’s a bad film! little pirate!?

p: mummy, i surrender.

m: daddy ,this film is unfit for him , it is full of killing,force and negative passion, and it will let him become bad !

k: i know that, but i meat to let him watch tom and jerry and he like it very much. yes? pirate?

p: yes, a very clever mouse and a stupid cat.

m: dad, don’t let him watch so much tv, it wastes a lot of time, and it is bad for his eyesight. he may becom✈e short-sighted.

k: i know the disadvantage. but tv also teaches him a lot of things which he can’t learn from books, such as survival ability and communication skills.

m: just those force, fighting and cheat?

p: mummy, i apologize that i have cheated you. i won’t do that next time. can you forgive me this time, mummy.

m: pick up trick. it doesn’t work this time.

p: mummy, not next time, ok?

m: dad. i know you love little pirate very much, but i think you should choose the right way. spoiling is not true love. it’s the ™poison in honey.

f: yes, dad, pirate has a lot of things to do. we should be his guide, not to carry out everything he said. we can bring him to the library to see what books attract him most. we can help him to develop his interest, shape his personality, and improve his intelligence and so on. i think it’s the right way to love our little pirate. do you think so, dear?

m: it’s just what i want to say.

f: ok, i should change my way of loving him. i should let him do his own thing and be his guide.

p: oh, so much time has passed. i eager to go to wash room, i can’t bear it.

k: ok, i go to bring the paper, don’t worry! i’ll accompany with you.

m、f:no, let him do that himself, and be his guide.

k: oh, yes, little pirate, it’s your job now, nobody can help. you should do it yourself.

p: xi, i have been an adult man of 7 years old. i can do it.

m、f、k: brave pirate!

p: oh, my god! the washroom is so large and dark!


—— the end

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