There are numerous things that Americans use that were inspired or invented by U.S. presidents. It's a known fact that freedom and America was invented by George Washington, but what about all the others? Here is a list of 7 weird presidential inventions. Enjoy.
The Spoils System1)
Andrew Jackson is credited for making big2) the spoils system because he gave a lot of jobs in the government to his friends that helped him win the election. It's this kind of nepotism3) that since then has been corrupted and copied to the point that it has become a natural part of the political system.
Christmas Tree Lights
Grover Cleveland is responsible for the tradition in which every year we decorate the Christmas tree with electrical lights. A friend of Thomas Edison, Edward H. Johnson invented the first Christmas tree lights, but they weren't received very well by people who were used to decorating their trees with lighted candles. It is because of those candles that a lot of houses were burned down. Cleveland, however, requested that the Christmas tree in front of the White House be decorated with electrical lights in December 1895. This act was the cornerstone4) that made these pretty colored lights so popular.
Fifteen-sided Barn and Drill Plow5)
George Washington didn't stop after inventing an entire country. Instead, he invented some farming innovations such as the fifteen-sided barn, which was used for more efficient wheat threshing6), and the drill plow. Both of these inventions were used and developed by Washington, and, according to the first U.S. president, enhanced the output in agriculture. He was indeed, the best president in the history of the United States. And, on top of7) that, George Washington is also the reason why we have a Presidents' Day. This was first introduced to celebrate the birthday of Washington.
Even though Hนerbert Hoover wasn't the inventor per se8), he is a building block9) in the invention of the Hooverball sport. Adm☼iral Joel T. Boone, the physician from the White House in those years, invented the sport. Hooverball mixes the net from volleyball with the scoring and court10) from tennis. Teams are formed of two to four people who take turns in throwing a ball with a weight of four to six pounds that has to be caught by the other team and immediately thrown back. The person who catches the ball has to throw it back without moving from the place where he caught it. The sport was intended to keep President Herbert Hoover fit, and with a ball that heavy, it's no surprise. A Device for Buoying11) Vessels over Shoals12)
There were some presidential inventors, but only Abraham Lincoln is a patent holder. Lincoln was granted the patent for his apparatus13) that would be able to lift boats over sandbars14) and shoals. This invention used t♋wo chambers15) on each of the sides of the boat that would have inflated16) which could have lifted the boat and prevented any damage to it caused by things inside the water. Lincoln came up with this invention after being annoyed that a lot of his boats ran into sandbars.
Swivel17) Chair
Even though Thomas Jefferson is best known for his invention called the Declaration of Independence, one of the founding fathers of the United States had some othe유r skills as well. He invented a macaroni18) press19) and an iron plow developed with his son-☒in-law. That plow was a lot more capable of digging than the usual wooden plows that people used at the time. It was truly a useful and great invention. However, his most important invention is probably the swivel chair. We should be thankful to him for this very amazing invention.
Walking Stick with a Microscope
James Madison loved to combine different things together. One invention of his is the walking stick that had a microscope inside it. This is a very useful thing to have if you wish to closely examine what you step on. It's believed that Andrew Jackson used this walking stick, probably to better see the people he was whipping the snot out of20).