摘 要:由于市场营销在各企业所体现的重要性和特殊性,确立了市场营销人员薪酬设计的重要位置。本文从薪酬概念及其影响要素的总体论述出发,对营销人员所特有的个性特征进行剖析和营销人员薪酬设计重要性的♂阐☠述,总结归纳了市场营销人员薪酬设计的关键要素。
关键词: 薪酬体系 高稳定性 高弹性 调和性
Abstract: We find that salary design for salesman is very important, because of importance and particularity of market at the enterprise. This♋ text proceed from general treatise about the salary concept and affection factor, analyses the especial characteristic of sal❧esman and expatiates on importance of the salary design for salesman, sums up the key factors of salesman’s salary design. After investigating various enterprises, we found that there are three typical modes: the first is the high stability salary mode that’s often used by the Japanese joint venture; the second is the concordance salary mode that’s often used by the European or American joint venture; the third is the high elasticity salary mode that’s often used by many local small enterprises. Three typical modes have thEir advantages and disadvantages. This text thinks that salesman will do thEIr best to create the biggest profits, if we design the suitable salesman’s salary mode according to the ability and position, fractionize the salesmen, use three typical modes reasonably, develop advantages and avoid disadvantages, establish the scientific assess method and salary management system, attain the results of practicability and economy, represent the principle of equity and fair competition.
Keyword: Salary system, High stability, High elasticity, Concordance