
时间:2025-01-13 07:03:10 来源:作文网 作者:管理员


Poverty alleviation is an important part of peoples livelihood project, and the task is glorious andarduous. At present, the problem of poverty in China is also the main contradiction in the process of socialharmonious development. It has always been a stumbling block to our development. Since the founding ofnew China, China has been committed to the governance of poverty. Aft❤er the three stages of socialassistance poverty alleviation, institutional innovation poverty alleviation and development type povertyalleviation, Chinas poverty alleviation has opened. Great achievements have been made. Since the eighteen,the contradiction between the yearning for a better life and the unbalance of development has beentransformed into the main contradiction in the primary stage of socialism. Alleviating the problem ofunbalanced development in poor areas and meeting the aspiration of poor people for a better life has becomean important task in the current stage. Therefore, under the ✫guidance of general secretary Xi Jinpingsaccurate poverty alleviation strategy, tackling poverty has become one of the three major battle areas. Underthe background of perfecting the national governance system and the modernization of the nationalgovernance capacity, under the leadership of the party, the key task of the poverty alleviation is that thegovernment led, the social coordination and the public participation in the large poverty alleviation pattern.

As a market force, private enterprises should shoulder the social responsibility of precise poverty alleviationand make use of their own advantages to become an important participant in poverty alleviation. How is theparticipation of private enterprises? How to participate? Participation motivation? What are the problems?

Where is the reason? How to develop in the future has become an urgent concern in the field of povertyalleviation.

In order to answer these questions, this study is in the view of the private enterprises participating inpoverty alleviation, taking Hebis industrial poverty alleviation as the research sample, and studying thestatus of the private enterprises in Hebi to participate in poverty alleviation. This paper focuses on the workand effect of Hebi city since 2013 in the aspects of policy assistance, mechanism construction, platformconstruction and supervision and management. From the present point of viewต, the Hebi municipalgovernment has issued various policies which are beneficial to private enterprises to participate in thepoverty alleviation of the industry, such as the establishment of a loan guarantee and interest discount forprivate enterprises, and the fact that the private enterprises have been built. The mechanism of rewardingsubsidies is to promote the development of poverty alleviation. However, there are still some problems in theprocess of private-owned enterprises participating in poverty alleviation in Hebi: the enthusiasm of privateenterprises to participate in the poverty alleviation is not high, the goal of private enterprises to set up thepoverty alleviation is big, and the private enterprises steal the work and reduce the work in the process ofpoverty alleviation. Through the analysis of the problems existing in the process of the participation ofprivate enterprises in the process of poverty alleviation in Hebi, this paper probes into the relationship andcooperation mechanism between the government, the private enterprises and the poor households in theprocess of the participation of the private enterprises in the process of poverty alleviation, and summarizesthe typical examples of the outstanding achievements of other provinces and cities in the support of thepoverty alleviation work of the private enterprises. In order to find the solution and reference of the privateenterprises in Hebi, we hope to create the internal and external environment suitable for the function ofprivate enterprises in Hebi, give full play to the poverty alleviation advantages of private enterprises, take theway of supporting the poverty alleviation and development of private enterprises under the leadership of the♂government, and provide reference for the practice of poverty alleviation in Hebi private enterprises.

Keywords: precision poverty alleviation, government, private enterprises, mechanism.

  目 录

摘 要


第一章 绪硕










第二章 鹤壁市民营企业参与扶贫的方式与作用发挥




第三章 鹤壁市民营企业参与扶贫动力及参与机制









  第四章 鹤壁市民营企业参与扶贫过程中存❣在问题及原因分析








第五章 国内其他地区企业扶贫的经验借鉴










  第六章 鹤壁市民营企业参与扶贫问题解决之道








第七章 研究展望


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