摘 要:柔性机械臂作为柔性多体系统动力学分析与控制理论研究最直接的应用对象,由于其具有简明的物理模型以及易于计算机和实物模型试验实现的特点,已成为น发展新1代机器人和航空航天技术的关键性课题。
The mechanical system design of experiment platform for rotating flexible beams
Abstract:The flexible arm has been the most direct application for flexible multi-body system dynamics analysis and control theory. Because it had characteristics of simple physical model and easy to computer models and physical tests, theม flexible arm has become a key subject for the development of the next generation robot, aviation and aerospace technology.
This paper discusses the experiment platform design for a rotating flexible beam. The mechanical system and control system of the experiment platform is briefly introduced. The mechanical system of the experiment setup is designed. In the design of the mechanical sys✯tem, the trestle structure is used, and the rotation axis and installation disk are designed into together.
Keywords: Flexible multi-body dynamics; Rotating flexible beam; Experiment platform; Structures design