
时间:2024-09-22 22:37:36 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

Monkeys On June 14th, 1949, Albert II became the first monkey in space when he reached an altitude of 83 miles. Immediately thereafter, he became the first space monkey to die on impact

3) when the parachute

4) failed to open.

Mice Eleven mice were on board in the 1951 U.S. Aerobee

6) missile

7) flight that carried Yorick, the first monkey recovered alive after a rocket flight. The U.S. also sent mice on three rocket re-entry

8) tests during the 1958 "Mouse in Able" project . In addition, fourteen more mice perished

9) on a Jupiter rocket after they lifted off from Cape Canaveral in 1959.

In February of 1961, France sent a rat named Hector into space. After flying to a hEight of 93 miles, Hector was successfully recovered.


The Soviets preferred to use pairs of stray female dogs for their early space experiments in the 50s and 60s. Most of those flights were successful, and some dogs flew more than once. In 1951, Dezik and Tsygan became the first canines

10) to survive spaceflight. Unfortunately, Dezik perished in a subsequent


1) launch.

Guinea pigs



The first guinea pig space invader


5) flew with the Soviet Sputnik 9 spacecraft on March 9th, 1961, along with a dog named Chernushka, a dummy


6) cosmonaut named Ivan Ivanovich, and an assortment


7) of mice and reptiles


8). Ivan safely parachuted back to earth, and the animals made it back alive.


Once again, our hats must go off to the French. Not happy with just firing the first rat into space, France decided they would also send up the very first space cat in October of 1963. So they found themselves a street cat, named it Felix, strapped it into a Véronique AGI rocket, and hurled it heavenward


9). And yes, it survived! France gets the First Cat in Space award. Turtles

If we don't count Teenage Mutant Ninjas Turtles, then the first turtles entered space back in 1968. And it wasn't just orbital space, Either—we're talking deep space, as in "Let's Fly to the Moon" space. The Soviet Soyuz ข20 mission kept tortoises in space for 90.5 days, setting a duration record for animals.

Frogs The frogs were in space from November 9th~15th and the experiment was a success ... from the scientists' point of view, that is. Researchers were able to c☂ollect the neurophysiological


6) data they wantณed, but the spacecraft wasn't recovered.


The first kind of fish in space was a mummichog


7), a strong little aquatic


8) specimen that is often used for research projects because of its ability to survive extreme conditions. A pair of

mummichogs accompanied Skylab 3 to provide more information about the otolith organ.

Spiders Both spiders managed to spin webs, although Arabella finished hers first. The webs took longer than normal to compϟlete, of course, and displayed some variations when compared to normal webs on Earth. Scientists later determined that although the space webs contained differences in thickness, they were of a finer quality overall.

Both spiders died in space—apparently from dehydration

30)—and their bodies are now on display at the Smithsonian.

20世纪40年代末,美国开始用V-2火箭运载各种各样的生物上天。首次试验始于1947年,当时选用的是果蝇。位于新墨西哥州白沙国家保护区的美国空军航空医学实验室所进行的“猕猴艾伯特”系列飞行试验则最先 用到了灵长目动物。1948年6月11日,第一只艾伯特猕猴随火箭发射入空,但却未能生还。


老鼠 1951年,又有11只老鼠参与了美国的空蜂火箭导弹飞❦行任务,经历太空飞行后安全重返地球的首只猴子约里克也与之同行。1958年,美国又 在“老鼠能行”项目的三艘火箭再入地球大气层试验中遣派了三只老鼠。此外,1959年,又有14只老鼠在由美国航天基地卡纳维拉尔角发射升空 的“丘辟特”火箭上殒命。 狗




让我们再次向法国人脱帽致敬吧。不满足于向太空送出第一只老鼠的小小成就,法国人决定在1963年10月也率先将猫送入太空。说干就干。他们 从街头找来一只猫,为它取名费利克斯,然后将它五花大绑固定在“韦罗尼克”探空火箭里,直送九天。可不,费利克斯凯旋而归!“首发太空猫”的荣誉就这样被 法国人纳入囊中。

如果不把“忍者神龟”算上,那么海龟首次进入太空要追溯到1968年,而且,还不只是进入绕地轨道那么简单——而是到了外太空——也就是当年的“飞月”太空计划。 苏联“联盟20号”所搭载的乌龟在太空停留了90.5天,创下了动物停留太空最长时间的纪录。







提起太空蜘蛛,有若干不同种类,不过最早上天的蜘蛛还要追溯到于1973年升空的“太空实验室3号”——当时该飞行器携带了一对名为阿拉贝拉 和安妮塔的欧洲园蛛。“太空蜘蛛”这一科学实验项目是由一名叫朱迪·迈尔斯的学生构思的,目的是为了解失重和太空飞行对蜘蛛结网的影响。



1. catapult [ˈkætəpʌlt] vt. 用弹射器发射

2. primate [ˈpraɪmeɪt] n. 灵长目动物

3. impact [ˈɪmpækt] n. 冲击,撞击,碰撞

4. parachute [ˈpærəˌʃuːt] n. 降落伞;缓降装置

5. annihilate [əˈnaɪəleɪt] vt. 彻底击溃;毁灭

6. aerobee [eərəʊbi:] n. 空蜂火箭

7. missile [ˈmɪsaɪl] n. 【军】导弹,飞弹;弹道导弹

8. re-entry [riːentrɪ] n. 再入,重返大气层

9. perish [ˈperɪʃ] vi. 丧生

10. canine [ˈkeɪnaɪn] n. 犬

11. subsequent [ˈsʌbsɪkwənt] adj. 随后的,后来的;接下去的,接续的

12. ordeal [ɔːˈdiːl] n. 苦难经历,折磨,煎熬

13. feat [fiːt] n. 功绩,业绩;英勇事迹

14. guinea pig:【动】豚鼠,天竺鼠

15. invader [ɪnˈveɪdə] n. 入侵者,侵略者;侵犯者

16. dummy [ˈdʌmi] n. 假人

17. assortment [əˈsɔːtmənt] n. 各种各样;分类

18. reptile [ˈreptaɪl] n. 爬行动物

19. heavenward [ˈhevnwəd] adv. 朝天空;向着天国

20. payload [ˈpeɪˌləʊd] n. 【空】有效载重;酬载

21. loop [luːp] n. 环路,环线;环道

22. erupt [ɪˈrʌpt] vi. 爆炸;炸开

23. otolith [ˈəʊtəlɪθ] n. 【动】耳石

24. bullfrog [ˈbʊlˌfrɒɡ] n. 【动】牛蛙

25. equilibrium [ˌiːkwɪˈlɪbriəm] n. 平衡;均衡

26. neurophysiological [njʊərəʊˌfɪziəˈlɒdʒɪkl] adj. 神经生理学的

27. mummichog [ˈmʌmɪtʃɒg] n. 【鱼】底鱼将

28. aquatic [əˈkwætɪk] adj. 水生的;水栖的

29. dream up: <口> 凭空想出;虚构出

30. dehydration [ˌdiːhaɪˈdreɪʃn] n. 脱水,干燥中国

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