
时间:2024-12-26 12:45:15 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

The rapid development of Internet economy has led to the innovation of businessmodel and management style, and the traditional labor relations have undergone aqualitative change. Flexible workers use Internet platforms to find jobs, and platformsno longer assume more managerial responsibilities. With growth of platformenterprises, the proportion of platform employment keeps increasing, bringing newlabor problems. What are the new features of the new labor relations? The newemployment situation has brought about changes in various industries. How toregulate the development of new labor relations? How to safeguard the rights andinterests of the platform workers? These problems need to be solved urgently.

Based on the theory and literature of labor relations,this paper constructs a newlabor relations theory model for Internet platform enterprises,using platformenterprise of Didi Chuxing to carry out exploratory case study. According to the strictcase research paradigm, the new labor relations of the Internet platform enterprisesare systematically analyzed and summarized, and the theoretical model is tested withtw☏o cases of Natural Workshop. The study found that the new labor relations ofInternet platform enterprises contains 4 levels and 12 factors, and the role of the fourbodies in the whole theoretical system is different. The Shared e✯conomy is theprerequisite for new labor relations, which provides the foundation of business modeland material technology preparation for the formation of new labor relations. As themain body of the new labor relations, flexible and free laborers are more independentand open, and the labor value is further highlighted. As a link of new labor relations,the platform enterprise of light assets operation carries on the innovation and reformof system and mode, and reduces the control of labor and labor process. Thegovernment with ✉flexible supervision, as the booster of the new labor relations, hasgreatly promoted the development of new labor relations.

Based on the above research conclusion and foreign advaϟnced practices, in orderto promote the development of new labor relations,the government should furtherperfect the laws and regulations, establish a trust mechanism, and create an open andinclusive atmosphere.The related industry should build industry self-disciplinemechanism, establishes industry union and employer union. The platform enterpriseshould establish the ฑconsciousness of social responsibility and activel y protect thelawful rights and interests of the workers. And a good operation mechanism requires alot of oversight and participation in society.

Key words: Internet platform enterprises; Labor relations; Sharing economy

目 录

摘 要


第 1 章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景

1.1.2 研究意义

1.2 研究内容与方法

1.2.1 研究内容

1.2.2 研究方法

1.2.3 研究思路

第 2 章 理论基础与文献综述

2.1 互联网平台企业

2.1.1 互联网平台企业的概念

2.1.2 互联网平台企业的特点

2.2 劳动关系的内涵与本质

2.2.1 劳动关系的概念

2.2.2 劳动关系学派对新型劳动关系的借鉴

2.2.3 劳动关系的本质与核心

2.2.4 劳动关系的要素

2.3 新型劳动关系的相关研究

2.3.1 新型劳动关系的出现

2.3.2 新型劳动关系的研究现状

2.3.3 新型劳动关系存在的问题与矛盾

2.4 研究述评

  第 3 章 研究方法与设计

3.1 研究设计

3.1.1 质性研究设计

3.1.2 案例研究设计

3.2 资料收集方法

3.2.1 一手资料

3.2.2 二手资料

3.3 资料分析技术

第 4 章 互联网平台企业的新型劳动关系探索性研究

4.1 新型劳动关系的案例探索过程

4.1.1 开放式编码

4.1.2 主轴编码

4.1.3 选择性编码

4.1.4 理论饱和度检验

4.2 新型劳动关系的理论模型阐释

4.2.1 新型劳动关系的前提

4.2.2 新型劳动关系的主体

4.2.3 新型劳动关系的链接

4.2.4 新型劳动关系的助力

4.3 新型劳动关系与传统劳动关系的区别

  第 5 章 互联网平台企业的新型劳动关系验证性研究

5.1 验证方法研究

5.2 验证案例介绍

5.3 验证案例分析

5.3.1 案例验证过程

5.3.2 验证结果阐释

5.4 案例综合分析

第 6 章 互联网平台企业新型劳动关系的管理建议

6.1 平台企业

6.2 平台劳动者

6.3 政府层面

6.4 社会层面


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