
时间:2024-12-26 15:53:52 来源:作文网 作者:管理员


关键词:园林工程 施工 绿化 管理

The agreeable righteousness is the town street India is a park greenly the construction and the management of the green chemical engineering distance

Landscape Architecture:CHENG Fu-li Tutor: ZHANG Yan-guang

Abstract:The park turning to green is the importance that the city is green to turn to constitute part, direct body now the city appearance, for protecting the natural environment,the ecosystem environment and the living environments to all have its important meaning.The park city is a foundation in the Chinese traditional park and the modern park, close combine the city development, the orientation city demand, adjust contemporary person's demand, take the whole city magistracy as to carry a body, take carrying 。out the whole park of city magistracy to turn and constucting national park city as a kind of new park of the purpose.Its general index mark BE"the air is delightfully fresh, the environment is beautiful, the ecosystem is good, the person resides diapason".Its general index mark BE"the air is delightfully fresh, the environment is beautiful, the ecosystem is good, the person resides diapason".One of its outstanding characteristics is in the city to have country, the suburban area contain town, the town contain forest, there is town in the wood, this text aimed at Peking fluently the righteousness ♋suburban area be green to turn the place present conditio£n to carry on an initial analysis research, green turn in the city of form, the tree grow of choice and the characteristics for install etc. aspect, from the construction,item of the park engineering manage, green turn a management etc. the angle elaborated park a construction item a management of basic method

Keywords: Park engineering Construction Greenturn Manage

城市园林绿化是现代城市建设中的重要组成部分,是城市建设、生态建设、精神文明建设的基础性公益事业。 随着园林绿化行业改革的不断深入和发展,我国的园林绿化工程质量和服务质量总体水平不断提高。近年来,各地都加大了城市园林绿化建设投入,纷纷提出创建园林城市,有效地改善了城市面貌和城市环境,进一步提高了城市品位和投资环境。搞好园林绿化建设是城市建设的需要、市民的需求,对于08年奥运会成功举办具有重要意义。

1 顺义园林绿化场地的现状及实施方案


该场地位于顺义区天竺镇,离距市中心较远,地理位置比较偏僻,空气质量较差,绿化面积较少,绿化水平较低,并有大片未开发的荒地,种植施工比较困难,居住区附近还有许多居民倒的垃圾和废水,污染较严重。 由于场地周围环境比较恶劣,施工任务比较艰巨,要使园林绿化工程的工程质量得到保证,就必须以国家行业标准的规范为准则,严格按图纸要求,加强施工组织,以安全为前提,以技术为后盾才能达到目的。土建包括园路、假山、给排水、造地型、园灯的安装等多项内容,无论那一项工程ด,从设计到施工都要着眼于完工后的景观效果,营造良好的园林景观。绿化工程从绿化植物的时令安排、苗木的选择、运输、栽植以及后期养护管理等方面进行了分析,此外,加强后期管理,也是园林绿化工程的一项重要内容。

2 绿化工程的主要步骤和内容



2.1.1 规划施工项目管理目标



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