
时间:2024-09-20 15:09:14 来源:作文网 作者:管理员


[摘要] 情感是人对客观现实的1种特殊的心理反映。音乐艺术是情感的艺术,因此通过情感体验, 学生能更广、更深、更自然地接受音乐艺术教育的熏陶。


[关键词] 歌唱 情感 全面素质

[Abstract] As far as the human to concern, the emotion is one kind of special psychological reflection when one meets the objective aツnd the real world. Music art is emotion art. Therefore through the emotional experiences,☯ the student can enjoy the music art education more broadly,deeper and more naturally. Play attention to the emotional experience is a very important link to give a good music lesson. The teacher should to utilize many methods to help the students to enjoy the music feeling and the emotional experience that will pro✘duct good results. It enhances students artistically accomplished in music and enable music to have more vigorous revolutionary.

[Key words] Ⓐsinging emotion 웃full quality



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