
时间:2025-01-13 21:36:17 来源:作文网 作者:管理员


In recent years, the reform process of the state-owned enterpriseshas been accelerating, to a certain extent, it has touched the original pattern ofinterest. In the process of participating in the market competition, most of theemployees get out of the previous outlook on job selection, jump out of thepersistence of the iron rice bowland begin to contrast the enterprises fromvarious aspects, although China has a state of state. Enterprises still occupy acertain competitive advantage in the talent market, but still feel the importanceof employee turnover in the reform. Because employees begin to chooseenterprises and jobs that can meet their own development from the developmentprospects, salary treatment, welfare level, working environment and atmosphere.

Why is there a brain drain in state-owned enterprises with naturaladvantages? What is the demand for technology talents? How caงn we effectivelycontrol and avoid the problem of brain drain in state-owned enterprises? Thisarticle has been written on these questions. Through in-depth investigation andResearch on the heavy coal machinery Co., Ltd., this paper analyzes the currentsituati。on and characteristics of the brain drain of too heavy coal machinery Co.,Ltd. and its impact on all aspects, and explores the real causes leading to the lossof talent, and then puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to alleviatethe brain drain. This paper hopes to attract the attention of managers of state-owned enterprises to the problem of brain drain, improve the managementlevel of the human resources of the state-owned enterprises, and then improvethe competitiveness of the state-owned enterprises. As the central provincialcapital city of Taiyuan, Shanxi Province,ว the in-depth understanding and fieldinvestigation of the old state-owned enterprise too heavy coal machinery Co.,Ltd. will help people to know more truly the overall situation of the difficulttransformation of the resource based enterprises at the present stage.

In the first two chapters of this article, the author expounds the writingintention and method of writing, and gives a brief review of the related researchin the academic field, and discusses the related concepts and theoreticalfoundations. The third chapter describes the current situation of technicalpersonnel loss in Tai Zhong Coal Machine Co., Ltd. In the fourth chapter,through the case study and questionnaire survey, we find the existing problemsand analyze the reasons behind it. In the fifth chapter, based on the actualsituation of the heavy coal machine, aiming at the existing problems, the authorputs forward some feasible ways to improve it. Although it is aimed at thespecial research of the heavy coal machine limited company, it is hoped toprovide useful re°ference for the human resource management of the vastresource - based state-owned enterprises in our country.

Although there is a lot of research on the problem of brain drain, theresearch is relatively weak, and the research on a particular state-owned machinemanufacturing enterprise is relatively small. This paper studies the problem of brain drain in the company limited by heavy coal, and goes deep into thecompany. Through interviews with the lost talents and questionnaire survey tothe employees of the company, this paper analyzes the main reasons that affectthe turnover of the company employees, and puts forward t♋he countermeasuresand suggestions to alleviate the problem of brain drain. The division of humanresources management has made useful suggestions. It also provides a referencefor other similar enterprises. With the method of interview and questionnairesurvey, this paper deeply analyzes the problems in the human resourcemanagement of too heavy coal machine Co., Ltd., analyzes the causes of thebrain drain, and explores the countermeasures to solve the brain drain.

Keyword: State-owned enterprises;Taiyuan heavy coal machine Co.;Technician;Brain drain


1 绪论.

1.1 选题背景及意义.

1.1.1 现实背景.

1.1.2 研究意义

1.2 国内外研究现状综述.

1.2.1 国内研究综述.

1.2.2 国外研究综述.

1.3 研究思路与研究方法.

1.3.1 研究思路.

1.3.2 研究方法.

  2 相关概念与理论基础.

2.1 相关概念

2.1.1 人才的概念.

2.1.2 人才流失的内涵.

2.2 理论基础.

2.2.1 人力资本理论.

2.2.2 人力资源管理理论.

2.2.3 相关激励理论.

3 太重煤机有限公司技术人才流失现状及其影响.

3.1 太重煤机有限公司人力资源概况.

3.1.1 公司机构设置情况.

3.1.2 公司人力资源概况.

3.2 太重煤机有限公司技术人才流失现状.

3.2.1 技术人才流失现状.

3.2.2 技术人才流失的特点.

3.3 太重煤机有限公司技术人才流失的影响.

3.3.1 对员工个人的影响.

3.3.2 对企业的影响.

3.3.3 对社会造成的影响.

  4 太重煤机有限公司技术人才流失的案例及问卷调查.

4.1 技术人才流失的相关案例.

4.1.1 一线技术人才离职的访谈.

4.1.2 研发型技术人才离职的访谈.

4.2 问卷设计原则.

4.3 问卷基本情况.

4.3.1 问卷回收情况.

4.3.2 调查对象.

4.4 员工满意度模型.

4.5 技术人才流失的原因.

4.5.1 薪酬制度不科学.

4.5.2 用人机制不合理.

4.5.3 激励与约束机制不健全.

4.5.4 员工社会福利保障不完善.

4.5.5 良好的企业文化缺乏.

5 太重煤机有限公司技术人才流失的对策.

5.1 建立科学合理的薪酬机制.

5.1.1 建立薪酬机制的内部公平性.

5.1.2 加强薪酬机制的外部竞争性.

5.2 完善企业用人机制.

5.2.1 建立人才竞争及选拔机制.

5.2.2 畅通员工内部流动的渠道.

5.2.3 完善培训制度.

5.3 健全激励和约束制度.

5.4 完善员工社会福利的保障.

5.4.1 加强生活保障

5.4.2 完善工作保障.

5.5 营造良好的企业文化.


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